Some Explanations
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For example: ...Some comments about the test scores 2001-2002...
For Consecutive, Off-Campus, and Concurrent Students
In-class assignments Marks for In-class assignments to be posted ...
Test 4 marks    
Self/Peer Evaluations .... ....
Final Mark The final mark is a composite of all marks, weighted as indicated on the course outline.  It is a criterion-referenced mark. It is not posted on the WEB site but is typically higher than the adjusted grade.
Adjustments (Adjusted Grade) To obtain a score of relative standing the final mark is adjusted to allow for a class average in the B+ range (approximately 78 percent). This provides one score of Relative Standing.  To address certain limitations rankings are used for grades.
Ranking Final marks are ranked and letter grades assigned on the basis of rank. (Five percent in the A+ range, seven percent in the A range, and so on.) This explains why some students have higher letter grades than would normally be warranted by the numerical "adjusted grade."
Letter Grade The letter grade reflects relative standing, as does the adjusted grade. Letter Grades are submitted to the Registrar.
Overall I  
Off-Campus Students Marks, ranks and letter grades could be somewhat different for these students, due to snow days, missed assignments, additional assignments, alternate tests, etc. Addresses minor inequities.
Concurrent Students Ranks and letter grades are calculated as a separate class for all concurrent students. This addresses the inequity based on the different tests given to concurrent students, and any difference in chapter assignments.
