Papers in refereed journals
Hooker, Lara; Smoczer, Cristine; KhosrowShahian, Farhad; Wolanski, Marian; Crawford, Michael (2012). Microarray Based Identification of Pitx3 Targets During Xenopus Embryogenesis, Developmental Dynamics, 241(9):1487-505.
Crawford, Michael, Evolution and Emergence: a Re-Evaluation of the New Synthesis (2012). Kronoscope, (Special Issue on Emergence): 185-200
Wolanski, M., KhosrowShahian, F., Jerant, L. Jap, Suan Ing, Brockman, Jennifer, Crawford, Michael .J. (2009) Expression of CAP2 during early Xenopus embryogenesis. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 2009, vol. 53(7): 1063-1067
Wolanski, M., KhosrowShahian, F., Kelley, L.E., El-Hodiri, H.M., Crawford, M.J. (2008) xArx2: an aristaless homolog that regulates brain regionalization during development in Xenopus laevis. genesis 47(1): 19-31.
Chang, W., KhosrowShahian, F.,
Wolanski, M., McCormck, W., Marshall, R., Perry, S., Crawford, M.(2006).
Conservation of Pitx1 expression during amphibian limb morphogenesis. Biochemistry
and Cell Biology Volume 84 (2):257-262.
Khosrowshahian, F., Wolanski, M., Chang, W., Fujiki, F., Jacobs, L., Crawford, M.J. (2005). Lens and optic cup formation require expression of Pitx3 in Xenopus pre-lens ectoderm.. Developmental Dynamics 234(3): 577-589
Crawford, M.J. (2003). Hox Genes as Synchronized Temporal Regulators: Implications for Morphological Innovation. J. Exp. Zoology (Molecular Development and Evolution.) 295B: 1-11.
Ali, A., and Crawford, M.J. (2002). Developmental Biology: an array of new possibilities. Biotechnology Advances, 20(5-6) pp. 357-370
Khosrowshahian, F., Hubberstey, A.V., Crawford, M.J. (2002). CAP1 expression is developmentally regulated in Xenopus. Mechanisms of Development 113(2): 211-214.
Chang, W., Koshrowshahian F., Chang, R., Crawford, M. (2001).xPitx1 plays a role in specifying cement gland and head during during early Xenopus development genesis 29: 78-90
Crawford, M.J., Koshrow Shahian, F., Liversage, R.A., Varmuza, S. (In Press Nov. 20, 2000). Adenine Nucleotide Translocase expression undergoes dynamic regulation during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis (Accession # AF231347) Biochem. Cell Biol.
Crawford, M., Lanctot, C., Trembley, J., Jenkins, N., Gilbert, D., Copeland, N., Beatty, B., Drouin, J. (1997). Human and murine PTX1/Ptx1 gene maps to the region for Treacher Collins Syndrome. Mammalian Genome 8: 841-845
Crawford, M.J., Liversage, R.A., Varmuza, S.L. (1995) Two isoforms of RAR-gamma2 are differentially expressed in Xenopus laevis embryos, and respond differently to treatment with retinoic acid. Dev. Genetics 17: 291-302
Crawford, M.J. (1995) Transformations in null mutants of Hox genes: do they represent intercalary regenerates? BioEssays 17: 1065-1074.
Drysdale, T.A., Crawford, M.J., (1994) Effects of localized application of retinoic acid on Xenopus laevis development. Dev. Biol. 162: 394-401.
Drysdale, T.A., Tonnisen, K.F., Patterson, K.D., Crawford, M.J., Krieg, P.J. (1994) Cardiac troponin I is a heartspecific marker in the Xenopus embryo: expression during abnormal heart morphogenesis.Dev. Biol. 165: 432-441.
Crawford, M.J.W.K., McLaughlin, D.S.
(1986) Effects of concommitant denervation and re-amputation through
regenerative forelimb outgrowth of Xenopus laevis froglets.
J. Zool. 64: 258-262.
Other publications
R.A., Crawford, M.J. (2000)
Mechanisms of Limb Regeneration
In: Regeneration Medicine, K.Sames, Ed
2. Crawford, M.J (1998) Temporal order and epigenetic phenomena during early development: lessons from the Hox gene mutant mice. Time, Order, Chaos: The Study of Time, Vol. IX (M. Soulsby, J. Fraser, eds)
M.J.W.K., and Liversage, R.A. (1992) Pattern
perturbation in Xenopus laevis forelimb regenerates
retinoids. Monogr. Dev. Biol. 23: 146-156.