Courses Taught
Below are descriptions of the courses taught by Jan Ciborowski at the University of Windsor. See the University of Windsor student calendar for course times and availability.
Undergraduate Courses
55-320. Experimental Principles and Design in Biology
Introduction to the logic and principles used to develop sound and efficient studies in the biological sciences: generating, testing, and discriminating among hypotheses; dealing with unwanted sources of variation; assumptions and appropriate choice of statistical analysis. Instruction in the use of selected network and personal computer software for data analysis and presentation.
Prerequisites: 55-210, 55-211, 55-213, and 65-205, or consent of instructor.
(3 lecture, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours a week.)
55-359. Invertebrate Biology
Survey of major classes of the invertebrates from an evolutionary, phylogenic, and ecological perspective. Emphasis on the morphological, physiological, and behavioural adaptations that permit animals to exploit the full range of earth's habitats, including the living bodies of other organisms (parasitism).
Prerequisites: 55-210, 55-211, and 55-213.
(3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)
Graduate Courses
55-518. Experimental Design and Analysis in Biological Research
Discussion of philosophical and quantitative approaches used to investigate biological systems, with emphasis on design and implementation of efficient and unbiased experiments. Students will use expertise acquired in lectures and readings to constructively evaluate their own and others' research proposals through round table discussions and individual presentation.
Prerequisite/corequisite: 55-320, or consent of instructor.
(2 discussion hours a week.)