Refereed Publications
Below you can find selected publications from our lab (lab members shown in
bold face). PDF copies are linked where available.
Selected Refereed Publications (2002-2014)
Submitted/ In Review
Cai, M., K.E. Kovalenko, L.B. Johnson, J.J.H. Ciborowski,
V.J. Brady and J. Olker. In review.
Relative importance of watershed and
local influences on macroinvertebrate community attributes in the coastal
wetlands: direct and indirect effects. Submitted to Ecological
Applications (August 2014).
McPhedran, K., A. Grgicak-Mannion, G. Paterson, T. Briggs, J.J.H.
Ciborowski, G.D. Haffner, K.G. Drouillard. In review. Field validation
of multi-chemical hazard metrics for predicting benthic invertebrate
toxicity in the Detroit River, Ontario, Canada. Submitted to Integrated
Environmental Assessment & Management
Davis, T.B., S.B. Watson, M. J. Rozmarynowycz,
J.J.H. Ciborowski, R. M. McKay G. Bullerjahn. In Press.
A toxic
continuum: Evidence that Lake St. Clair is a source of microcystin-producing
cyanobacteria in lakes Erie and Ontario. PLoS One (Accepted August
Karatayev, A.Y., L.E Burlakova, C. Pennuto, J.J.H.
Ciborowski, V.A. Karatayev, P. Juette, M. Clapsadl. 2013.
years of changes in Dreissena spp. populations in Lake Erie.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 39: In press.
Kovalenko, K.E., V.J. Brady, T.N. Brown,
J.J.H. Ciborowski, N.P. Danz, J.P. Gathman, G.E. Host, R.W. Howe, L.B.
Johnson, G.J. Niemi, and E.D. Reavie. 2014.
Congruence of community
thresholds in response to anthropogenic stress in Great Lakes coastal
wetlands. Freshwater Science 33(3):958-971.
Smith, S. D.P. Smith, P.B. McIntyre, B.S. Halpern, R.M. Cooke, A.L.
Marino, G.L. Boyer, A. Buchsbaum, G.A. Burton Jr., L.M. Campbell, J.J.H.
Ciborowski, P.J. Doran, D.M. Infante, L.B. Johnson, J.G. Read, J.B.
Rose, E.S. Rutherford, A.D. Steinman, and J. D. Allan. In Press. Assessing
relative impacts in a multi-stressor world: expert opinion on 50 stressors
to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Ecological Applications (Accepted
September 2014).
Chen, M., G. Walshe, E. Chi Fru, J.J.H. Ciborowski & C.G.
Weisener. 2013.
Bioreactor assessment of the biogeochemical
evolution of sulfur and oxygen in oil sands fluid fine tailings. Applied
Geochemistry 37:1-11.
Kovalenko, K.E., J.J.H. Ciborowski, C. Daly, D.G. Dixon, A.J.
Farwell, A.L. Foote, K.R. Frederick, J.M. Gardner Costa, K. Kennedy,
K. Liber, M.C. Roy, C.A. Slama, & J.E.G. Smits .2013.
Carbon flow and
food web structure in oil sands reclaimed wetlands. Ecological
Applications 23:1048-1060.
Martin, J.P. C.M. Wytrykush & J.J.H. Ciborowski.2013.
relationship between nucleolar size and growth in larvae of Chironomus
riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae). Freshwater Science 33:922-932
Pandit, S.N., Y. Zhao, J.J.H. Ciborowski, A.M. Gorman & C.
Knight. 2013.
Suitable habitat model for walleye (Sander vitreus):
implications for inter-jurisdictional harvest quota allocations. Journal
of Great Lakes Research 39:591-601.
Green, E.L., A. Grgicak-Mannion, J.J.H. Ciborowski, L.D.
Corkum. 2013.
Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of
burrowing mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia limbata and H. rigida) in
western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39:280 - 286.
Allan, J.D., P.B. McIntyre, S.D. P. Smith, B.S. Halpern, G.L. Boyer, A.
Buchsbaum, G.A. Burton, Jr., L.M. Campbell, W.L. Chadderton, J.J.H.
Ciborowski, P.J. Doran, T. Eder, D.M. Infante, L.B. Johnson, C.A.
Joseph, A.L. Marino, A. Prusevich, J.G. Read, J.B. Rose, E.S. Rutherford,
S.P. Sowa, and A.D. Steinman. 2012. Joint analysis of stressors and
ecosystem services to enhance restoration effectiveness. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science 110:372-377.
Baker, L.F., J.J.H. Ciborowski and M.D. MacKinnon. 2012.
Petroleum coke
amendments may contribute to the uptake of trace metals by algae and macroinvertebrates in reclamation wetlands of the Athabasca oil sands.
Science of the Total Environment. 414: 177-186.
Farwell, A.J., V. Nero, K. Ganshorn, C. Leonhardt, J.
Ciborowski, M. MacKinnon and D.G. Dixon. 2009. The use of stable isotopes (13C/12C
and 15N/14N) to trace exposure to oil sands processed
material in the Alberta oil sands region. Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health, Part A. 72: 385-396.
Hollenhorst TP, Johnson LB, Ciborowski JJH. 2011.
Monitoring land
cover change in the Lake Superior basin. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and
Management 14(4):433-442.
Host GE, Brown TN, Hollenhorst TP, Johnson LB, Ciborowski JJH.
2011. High-resolution assessment and visualization of environmental
stressors in the Lake Superior basin. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and
Management 14(4):376-385.
Niemi GJ, Reavie ED, Peterson GS, Kelly JR, Johnston CA, Johnson LB, Howe
RW, Host GE, Hollenhorst TP, Danz NP, Ciborowski JJH, Brown TN, Brady
VJ, Axler RP. 2011.
An integrated approach to assessing multiple stressors
for coastal Lake Superior. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management
Hersikorn, B.D., J.J.H. Ciborowski, and J,E.G. Smits. 2010.
effects of oil sands wetlands on wood frogs (Rana sylvatica).
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 92(8):1513-1527.
Farwell, A.J., V. Nero, K. Ganshorn, C. Leonhardt, J. Ciborowski,
M. Mackinnon and D.G. Dixon. 2009.
The use of stable isotopes (13C/12C and
15N/14N) to trace exposure to oil sands process-material in the region of
the Alberta oil sands deposit. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental
Health Part A Current Issues. 72: 385-396.
Hartig, J.H., M.A. Zarull, J.J.H. Ciborowski, J.E. Gannon, E.
Wilke, G. Norwood, and A.N. Vincent. 2009.
Long-term ecosystem
monitoring and assessment of the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 158:87–104.
Niemi, G. J., V.J. Brady, T.N. Brown, J.J.H., Ciborowski, N.P.,
Danz, D.M., Ghioca, J.M. Hanowski, T.P. Hollenhorst, R.W., Howe, L.B.,
Johnson, C.A.., Johnston, and E.D. Reavie. 2009.
Development of ecological
indicators for the U.S. Great Lakes coastal region - A summary of
applications in Lake Huron. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
Bhagat*, Y. J.J.H. Ciborowski, L.B. Johnson, T.M. Burton, D.G.
Uzarski, S.A. Timmermans. 2007.
Testing a Fish Index of Biotic Integrity for
Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Stratification by Plant Zones. Journal of
Great Lakes Research 33 (Suppl.3):224-235.
Brady,V.J., J.J.H. Ciborowski, J. Holland, N. Danz, L. Johnson, D.
Breneman, J. Gathman. 2007.
Optimizing fishing time: One vs. two night fyke
net sets in Great Lakes coastal systems. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33
(Suppl. 3):236–244.
Brazner, J.C., N.P. Danz, A.S. Trebitz, G.J. Niemi, R.R. Regal, T.
Hollenhorst, G. Host, E.D. Reavie, T. Brown, J.M. Hanowski, C.A. Johnston,
L.B. Johnson, R.W. Howe and J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2007.
of Great Lakes wetland indicators to human disturbances at multiple spatial
scales: a multi-assemblage assessment. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33
(Suppl. 3): 42-66.
Hollenhorst, T., T.N. Brown, L.B. Johnson, J.J.H.Ciborowski & G.E. Host.
A multi-scale watershed delineation approach for developing ecological
indicators of Great Lakes coastal ecosystems. Journal of Great Lakes
Research. 33 (Suppl. 3): 13-26.
Kang*, M., J.J.H. Ciborowski, & L. Johnson. 2007.
Influence of
anthropogenic disturbance & environmental suitability on the distribution of
a nonindigenous species, Echinogammarus ischnus Stebbing, 1898 (Amphipoda:
Gammaridae), at Laurentian Great Lakes coastal margins. Journal of Great
Lakes Research. 33 (Suppl 3): 198-210.
Krieger, K.A., M.T. Bur, J.J.H. Ciborowski, D.R. Barton & D.W.
Schloesser. 2007.
Distribution and abundance of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia
spp.) in Lake Erie: Value as a lake quality indicator. Submitted to Journal
of Great Lakes Research 33 (Suppl. 1):20–33.
Brazner, J.C.,N.P. Danz, G.J. Niemi, R.R. Regal, A.S. Trebitz, R.W. Howe,
J.M. Hanowski, L.B. Johnson, J.J.H. Ciborowski, C.A. Johnston, E.D.
Reavie, V.J. Brady, and G.V. Sgro. 2007.
Evaluating geographic, geomorphic
and human influences on Great Lakes wetland indicators: multi-assemblage
variance partitioning. Ecological Indicators 7:610-635.
Danz, N.P, G.J. Niemi, R.R. Regal, T. Hollenhorst, L.B. Johnson, J.
Hnowski, R. Axler, J.J.H. Ciborowski, T. Hrabik, V.J. Brady, J.R.
Kelly, J.C. Brazner, R.W. Howe & G.E. Host. 2007.
Integrated measures of
anthropogenic stress in the U.S. Great Lakes basin. Environmental
Management 39:631-647.
Corkum, L.D., J.J.H. Ciborowski and D.M. Dolan. 2006.
the timing of Hexagenia (Ephemeridae: Ephemeroptera) mayfly swarms in
Lake Erie of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology
Bachteram, A.M., K. Mazurek and J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2005.
Sediment suspension by burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.,
Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). Journal of Great Lakes Research 31
(Suppl. 2):208-222.
Burns, N.M., D.C. Rockwell, P.E. Bertram, D.M. Dolan, and J.J.H.
Ciborowski. 2005.
Trends in temperature, Secchi depth and dissolved
oxygen depletion rates in the central basin of Lake Erie, 1983 - 2002.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 31 (Suppl. 2): 23-34.
Grigorovich, I.A., E.L. Mills, C. Richards, D. Breneman and J.J.H.
Ciborowski. 2005.
European valve snail Valvata piscinalis (M ller)
in the Great Lakes basin: cryptic occurrence and spread. Journal of Great
Lakes Research 31:135-143.
Grigorovich, I.A., M. Kang, and J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2005.
record of Gammarus tigrinus a new Great Lakes invader. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31: 333-342.
Host, G.E., J.A. Schuldt, J.J.H.Ciborowski, L.B. Johnson, T.P.
Hollenhorst, and C. Richards. 2005.
Use of GIS and remotely sensed data for
a priori identification of reference areas for Great Lakes coastal
ecosystems. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26: 5325-5342.
Matisoff, G., and J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2005.
Lake Erie Trophic
Status collaborative study. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31
(Suppl. 2):1-10.
Patterson, M., J.J.H. Ciborowski, and D.R. Barton, and. 2005.
Dreissenid abundance and size structure in Lake Erie: 2001-2002. Journal
of Great Lakes Research 31 (Suppl. 2): 223-237.
Smits, J.E., G.R. Bortolotti, M. Sebastian & J.J.H. Ciborowski.
Spatial, temporal, and dietary determinants of organic contaminants in
nestling tree swallows in Point Pelee National Park, Ontario, Canada.
Environ. Toxicol & Chem. 24: 3159-3165.
Burt, J., J.J.H. Ciborowski, T.B. Reynoldson. 2003.
Baseline incidence of mouthpart deformities in Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Laurentian Great Lakes, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29: 172-180.
Van Overdijk, C.D.A., I.A. Grigorovich, T. Mabee, W.J. Ray, J.J.H. Ciborowski, H.J. MacIsaac. 2003.
Microhabitat selection by the invasive amphipod
Echinogammarus ischnus and native Gammarus fasciatus in laboratory experiments and in Lake Erie. Freshwater Biology. 48: 567-578.
Plant, W., J.J.H. Ciborowski, L.D. Corkum. 2003.
Do tube-dwelling midges inhibit the establishment of burrowing mayflies? Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29: 521-528.
Swansburg, E.O., W.L. Fairchild, B.J. Fryer, J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2002.
Mouthpart deformities and community composition of Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae downstream of metal mines in New Brunswick, Canada. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21: 2675-2684.
Hobbs, B.F., S.A. Ludsin, R.L. Knight, P.A. Ryan, J. Biberhofer & J.J.H. Ciborowski. 2002.
Fuzzy cognitive mapping as a tool to define management objectives for complex ecosystems. Ecological Applications 12: 1548-1565.