VIEW - Fall 2012 - page 33

view . fall 2012
Robert W. Reinhart
Ralph and Michele Reiser
Debbie A. Remekie-Maxey
Gregory Renaud and Nora
Jeannine M. Renaud
Richard and Marie Renaud
Matthew Renaud
Mary-Ann and Tom Rennie
Katherine A. Rethy
Donald W. Reynolds
Gregory Reynolds
Rachel Reynolds
William C. Reynolds
John P. Riberdy
David Richardson
Debbie and Rick Rickeard
Delynne and Christopher
Robert and Marlene Rideout
Robin Rilett
Victor P. Rivest
Sandra J. Rizzetto
George and Marjorie Robarts
Mary E. Robb
Judith Robenson
James D. Robertson
Keith and Margaret
BettyJean and Donald
Dexter Robinson
Kyle R. Robinson
Karen Rockwell
William J. Roddy
Eleanor J. Roe
Edward Roemmele
Christine Rogers
Richard H. Rohmer
Karen Roland
Peter and Nancy Johns-Root
Laura M. Rosebrugh
Janet Rosenbaum
Andrew I. Ross
Peter and Ann Roth
Marvin and Pat Routliffe
John H. Rowland
Dino Rubli
Linda Ruccolo
Deborah and Christopher
Vince J. Ruggirello
Irene L. Rusek
Lisa Ruttle-Maavara
Robert M. Ryall
Bridget L. Ryan
Garnet E. Ryan
Kevin B. Ryan
Elizabeth A. Sabara
Francine B. Saby
Mehrdad Saif
Timothy Salayka and Lea Ray
M. Saliba
Iain Samson
Grace Samuel
Campbell Sanderson
Robert Sanderson
Geraldine C. Sandre
Todd Sands
Robert and Patricia Sanford
Wayne G. Sargent
David A. Savel
Joseph P. Scalia
Jeffrey L. Schaafsma
Ritch Schaafsma
Linda Scheer
Jerry and Irene Schen
J. Albert and Bonnie
Nancy B. Schepers
Sally E. Scherer
M. Jane Schiller
Greg and Francine Schlosser
Reuben L. Schnayer
Michelle Schryer
Jonathan A. Schwartzman
Alan Scoboria and Myrna
Randy Scotland
E.A. Margaret Scott
Brad and Lori Pinter
Cordell S. Seaby
Beverly and Robert Searcy
Linda A. Seewald
Rita Seguin
James E. Seidewand
Susan Sellick
Frances and Brad Semeniuk
Mary Senese
Tom Serafimovski
Thomas L. Seymour
Fred F. and Jacqueline Shady
Phillip S. Shaer
Grace Shafran
Piratheep Shanmuganathan
Leo Raymond Shapiro
Stuart and Sandra Shaw
Kathleen M. Sheehan
Richard Shelson
Lori Sheppard
Stanley B. Sherr
Lillian A. Shery
Jin J. Shin
Catherine M. Shoniker
Richard R. Shore
Stacey R. Shuel
Michael M. A. Shust
Kathleen and David
Lynne A. Sibley
Gurkiran S. Sidhu
Paulo Silva and Lauren Bale
John Simes
William J. Simmonds
Lyla Simon
Alan G. Sine
Douglas J. Singbush
Jasna Sivell
Frank Skerl
Allison Small
Amanda A. Smith
Charles A. Smith
Clayton Smith
Darrel C. Smith
Diane J.Smith
Lyle and Vicky Smith
Rick Smith
Robert Smith
Robin Smith
Susan Smith
Timothy and Elaine Smith
Margaret A. Smole
Gemma E. Smyth
Eleanor Snelgrove
Hermohinder S. Sodhi
John and Marie Solarski
Eugene E. Somerville
Sanjay Soni
Aline E. Soules
J.Robin Southgate
Krista and Dino Spagnuolo
James Sparrow
John M. Speirs
Richard C. Spencer
Andrew Sprague
Ann M. Sprague
Madeline Sproat
Krishnaswamy Sridhar
Eve M. Stacey
Daniel and Jacqueline
Janee J. Stallard-Cogliati
Alexander J. Stanat
Ellen Starkiss
Dennis J. and Brigitte Staudt
Marilyn I. Stawecki
Ihor and Anne Stebelsky
Michael D. and Adele Stebila
Daniel and Marilyn Stecher
Walter and Milda Stechyshyn
Michael B. Steer
Millie Steer
Peter Steeves
Maurizio Stellato
Robert and Carole Stelmack
Gloria M. Stephenson
Randy W. Stephenson
Erica Stevens and Jerry W.
Mary-Anne R. Stevens
Gilbert Stewart
Patricia E. Stewart
Douglas and Kathleen Stocco
David M. Stone
Raymond G. Stone
David S. Stoute
Joan Stoute
John D. and Paulette A. M.
Melissa D. Strange
Kevin M. Strong
Jay S. Strosberg
Wenkun Su
Sarah S. Subhan
Siona V. Sullivan
Fariza Sultana
David Susko
Marilyn Sutton
Stuart J. Sutton
Donald E. Swanson
James E. Sweeney
Christina M. Sweet
Maryellen Symons
Jeannette Syroid
Neda Tabatabaie
Marijke Taks
Matt G. Tales
Eric A. Tamm
Daniel Tang
Sandra Taranto and John P.
R. Mark Tarbush
Donna-Marie Taylor
Greg and Janis Taylor
Gwen H. Taylor
Kim Taylor
John V. and Michelle Taylor
Blanche Teahen
Theresa Tedesco
Kevin R. Tedford
S. Blake Teichman
James and Sandra Tellier
Nicole Tellier
Lesly A. Temesvari and Karl
J. Franek
Anna Temple
Murray and Anna Temple
William and Rochelle
Rita Marion Thachuk
Donald R. Thibert
Pierre Thibodeau and Leila
Stanley J. Thomas
Stephen Thomas
Tom Thomas
Douglas W. Thompson
Howard B. Thompson
Donald and Joanne Thomson
Richard C. Thrasher
Jacob and Bernadette Thun
John D. Tofflemire
Nicholas Toltl
Fulton Tom
Andrew D. Toms
Pong-Choi D. Tong
Elizabeth A. Tornabene
Taras Toroshenko
C. Tortorice
Raymond J. Tracey
William and Karen Traynor
Richard I. J. Tremain
Alan and Susan Trenhaile
Lisa M. Tripp
Curtis G. Trothen
Sandra Trott
Wendy E. Truant
Jean M. Trudell
Hing H. A. Tsang
Irene S. Tse
Danielle M. Tullio
Marilyn Ursulak
Lawrence E. Vadori
Louis P. and Betty Ann
Paul Valentine
Laura J. Van Dam
William Vandenborn
William H. Vandenborn
Eric S. Vandenbroucke
Leonard Varrasso
Valerie Veinotte
Michael and Arlene Veitch
Soma Venkat
Tadiboyina Venkateswarlu
Drew Verdam
Karen and Marc Verhoeve
Dorothy J. Vermeulen
Steven Vlachodimos
Carolyn Vogt
Millicent Vorkapich-Hill and
James Hill
Kornel Vuia
Paul and Sylvia Vyrostko
Judith Kelly Waalen
John G. Walker
Marie Walker
Trudie Wall
Jamille J. Walls
Duncan E. Walton
Shouye Wang
John R. Warbick
Paul D. Warkentin
Andrew Warman
Joslyn Warwaruk-Lefler
Daniel D. Wascher
Sharon and Mark Wasyluk
Tami L. Waters
James J. and Constance
Judith A. Watson
R. Michael Watt
Michael V. Watters
William J. Waugh
Susan A. Waymouth
Michael D. Weekes
P. L. Weir
Marc S. Weisz
John H. Wellington
Brian W. Werbinsky
James C. Wesenberg
David West
Janet Leigh West
Peter Westfall
Theresa Whelan
Robert W. Whent
Gloria M. White
Jane White
Teresa B. Whiteside
David S. Whitfield
Christopher P. Whittall
David A. Whitten
Lee N. Whitwell
Sandra Wieland
Gordon K. and Claire Wilbur
Mark J. Wilk
Donna and Arthur Williams
John W. and Loes Williams
Mita Williams
Karen M. Williamson
Raymond F. Willick
David Wills
Sandy Wilson
Kenneth R. Wilson
Margaret M. and Roger
Verla Wilson
Michelle D. Winterburn and
Don Casey
James Wittebols
Jan E. Wojcik
David W. Wolanski
Gunther Wolf
Althea M. Wong
Ernest G. Wong
Gordon Wood
Roland F. Wood
William R. Woodward
Thomas J. Wright
Collie C. Yan
Xiaohong A. Yang
David P. Yawney
Wai L. Yee
William K. Yee
Howard Yeung
Powfoo Yong
David Yott
William V. Youdelis
Barbara A. Zakoor
Ronald V. Zaldin
Danilo and Margaret Zannier
Lia Zannier
Raul Zarate
Earle F. Zeigler
Yasheng Zhao
George Zhou
David Ziriada
Sonja A. Zold
Suzanne Lepine Zonneveld
John J. and Shelly Zubyck
Robert F. Zuffelato
Lorne P. Zwaresh
$1 - $99
P. Carlo and Nancy Abati
Frank E. Abbott
Melissa L. Abdellah
Donna Abraham
Giovanna Abraham
Bob and Bridget Abrams
Mahmoud Abu Khatir
Shaun Abushar
Anthony and Mary Aczel
Sherry Lee C. Adamo
Lisa A. Labute
Tom Adams
Kelly L. Adlam
Rawle G. Agard
Ghazala Ahmed
Jwelly Ahmed
Tracy A. Airhart
Dewan Mohiuddin Al Azad
Muhammad M. Alam
Rosa F. Alam
Daniela A. Alberelli
Sari Anne H. Albert
Armand Aldighieri
Ann W. Alexander
David W. Alexander
George Alexander
Jacob C. Alexander
Mohammad A. Ali
Aghlab Al-Joundi
David R. Allan
Cynthia L. Allen
Jean M. Allen
Larry W. Allen
E. Merilyn Allison
Sylvia M. Allison
Helen Almas
Ahmed M. A. Almatary
Jennifer A. Almeida
Serena A. Al-Obaidi
Jessie J. Alonsozana
Melissa J. Alsbergas
Elis Altaweel
Margaret Alton
Jonathan G. Ambeault
Angie C. Ames
Donald G. Ames
Kevin An
Lihua An
Ed and Giovina Anderson
Orville D. Anderson
Susan M. Anderson
Catherine V. Andrew
Despina D. Angelakos-
Lena Angelidis
Heather L. Angus
Marianne Angus
Gayle J. Annett
Hayley Anso
Mirjana and Slavko Antic
George M. Antinori
Maria Antinucci
Khurshid Anwer
Karla I. Arauz
Kelly P. Arbuckle
As a faculty member and alumnus of the
University of Windsor, the decision to give back
is relatively easy. I reap the benefits of giving
every day through my positive interactions with
students. Although my focus changes slightly
from year to year, I like to give to scholarships
and grants so that other students will have the
opportunity to see why UWindsor is a great place
to study and work.
Dr. Jess Dixon, Kinesiology professor
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