VIEW - Fall 2012 - page 31

view . fall 2012
Donna J. Boyle
Frank J. Bradacs
Beverley A. and George
Robert S. Brain
Douglas and Jean Branch
Carol R. Braun
Pedro Bravo de Laguna
Peter J. Brennan
David Brescacin
James D. Bricker
Michele M. Bridges
Raymond F. Brien
Lori Brienza
Chris Briggs
F. Wayne and Purita Bristow
Daniel Britten
John Brkljacic
James A. Brock
Kendall Brockbank
David and Frances
Ann and Andy Broderick
Marten H. Brodsky
David S. Brombal
Doug N. Brombal
Donna M. Brooks
Robert J. Brooks
Gillian Brouse
Dianne R. Brown
Edmond O. Brown
Iris E. Brown
John and Helen Brown
Lucia A. Brown
Mark S. Brown
Randle W. Brown
Yvonne M. Brown
Patricia M. Bruckman
Donald and Monika Bruner
Joyce L. Bruner
Susanne and Dwayne Brunet
Tim and Ann Marie Brunet
Clare A. Brunetta
Joel G. Brush
Herbert D. Bryant
Howard F. Buchan
Arlene Buckley
Steven Budinsky
Alex Bugailiskis
Christopher S. Bumbacco
Gayle Burke
Patricia J. Burke
Ralph Burke
John Burkhart
Carol and Terri Burney
Brian and Jill Burnie
Peter J. Burns
Diane B. and Brian Burton
Brian and Mary Burtt
David Bussiere
Jordan L. Butcher
Donald B. Butler
Murray and Lynn Butler
Julia and John Byrne
Patricia Caille
Joseph M. Calabrese
John F. Callaghan
Tracy Calsavara
David Campbell
Susan M. Campeau
Jacqueline T. Campigotto
Patricia M. Canning
Steven G. Canto
Philippe M. Capelle
Emily F. Carasco
Jane M. Carere
Leonardo and Gioia Caro
Pamela J. Carpenter
Elaine M. Carr
Bob Carr
Warren N. and Diana J. Carr
John and Joan Carrington
Hugh J. Carroll
Ted G. Carron
James and Diana Carter
Patricia Carter
Joseph W. Carty
Michael E. Caruso
Chris P. Cashin
Christina L. Catenacci
Peter and Maeve Catomeris
Patrick and Bette Catton
Craig R. Cavanagh
Kelley M. Cavanagh
Kevin T. Cavanagh
Robert and Denise Cecile
Samuel and Karen Ceman
Nino V. Cervini
K. Tyler Chadwick
James R. Chaffe and Robin A.
Judy M. Chaif Simko
Shil Chakrabarti
Frank and Fran Chalmers
Frank and Katherine Chan
Gilbert B. Chapman
Mary Lou Chapman
Peter L. Chappell
Michelle Charette
Debra L. Charron
Beth Chase
Tom D. Chau
Prad M. and Gale M.
Doreen A. Chaulk
Diana and Winston Cherry
Robert D. Chesnik
Kin Ping Vincent Cheung
Nicholas Chevalier
Conrad J. Chiarcos
Gordon C. Chong
Dennis Choptiany
Terry S. C. Chow
Alan K. Chun
William W. Churchill
Brian Churchmack
Myroslav T. Chwaluk
Ernest B. Cicchi
Joseph and Mary Ann Cimer
Brian Ciuciura
Christopher J. Clark
Joseph E. Clark
Matthew D. Clark
Thomas W. Clark
Neil Calydon
David J. Cluff
Andrew D. T. Coates
Carmen M. Coccimiglio
Lora M. Coco
Joe Cohoon
Martin C. Cole
Wilfred J. Collacott
William Arthur Collins
Sharon L. Colman
Andrew G. Confente
Charles P. Connor
Katherine Conrad
E. Anne Conway
Evan A. Cooke
Gerry A. Cooper
M. Caroline and John Corbett
John Cormack
Joan and Robert Cornwall
Trudy Cornwell
Leonardo and Mary-Lou
William J. Cotnam
Timothy Coughlin
Morris P. Cousineau
Pat Cousins
Beverly Couvillon
Rudi Covre
C. Bruce Cowen
Fred N. Cowlin
Brenda L. Coxon
James Coyle
Jim and Chelly Coyle
Elizabeth D. Craig
Lee A. Craig
Susanne Reeves Craig
Jacqueline Crandall
Jean A. Crawford
George and Donna Crowell
Barry M. Cullen
Dubravko Culumovic
Lisa Cunningham
Patricia A. Cunningham
Raymond J. Curran
James D. Currie
Darryl and Yvonne Currie
Edith A. Curtin
Dino Cusinato
Mieczyslaw A. Czajkowski
Edward and Maria Czilli
Marek Dabrowski
Denis DaDalt
Betty Dadd
Nella L. D’Agostini
JoAn Dale
Patricia M. Dale
Giovanni D’Alessandro
Jack F. Dalgleish
Andrew Dallabona
Russell and Diane Daniels
Lada Darewych
Paulah J. Dauns
William R. Davie
Pearl and Roderick Davies
Jean-Claude Davis
Shannon N. Davis
Shellie A. Davis
Margaret A. Davison
Jo-Ann M. Dawe
Anne Dawson
Elizabeth Dawson
Joseph R. De Angelis
Peter P. De Angelis
David M. De Freitas
Fabio and Anna De Menech
Guy and Jan De Rose
Alicia T. De Souza
Nishanti R. de Zoysa
Donald G. Deathe
Thomas and Melissa Debevc
Anna Maria Decia-Gualtieri
Mary DeGoey
Christian de Keresztes and
Jodie Waisberg
Remo Del Col
Franco F. Del Papa
Jean-Paul G. Delaire
Michael M. DelGobbo
D. Jeffrey and Anne Dello
F. LeRoy Delmore
Carl J. and Dana DeLuca
Paul Demaiter
Frank S. DeMarco
Joseph and Kimberly
Bradley D. Deneau
Patrick M. Dennis
Paul T. Dertinger
Martin W. Desjardine
John Noel Desmarais
Christopher Dewart
Luigi A. and Elena DiFazio
Tony Diab
Joseph DiBattista
John F. Diederich
Roy R. Diklich
M. Sandy DiMartino
Aldo Dinardo
Richard and Marilyn Dinham
Jeffrey A. Dinsmore
Eric D. Dionne
Santino DiPasquale
Donald Diubaldo
Edward A. Dixon
Jess Dixon
Mildred Dmowski
Laura Doan
Veselin Dobrota
Quillan W. T. Docherty
Tam Doey
Michael Doi
Candy Donaldson
Joseph M. Donohue
Gerald and Rosemary Doran
John E. Dorion
James B. Douglas
James M. Douglas
Richard L. Douglas-Chin
Eric H. Downing
Timothy E. Doyle
Ed Dragan
Margaret B. Dragan
Edward A. Drouillard
John R. Dryden
Mary A. Dryden
Regina du Toit
Catherine L. Duboisson
Brad R. Duby
Rudolph A. Dudinksy
Dale F. Dudley
Denis Dufault and Elaine
Elizabeth C. Dufour
Roger B. Dufour
Sherry M. Dugal-Nevin
Doreen Dulmage
Ronald and M. Anne
Gary S. Dunlop
Robert and Shirley Dunlop
Connie and T. D. Duong
Diane Dupuis
Jennifer L. and Bruce Durfy
Dwayne E. Durocher
Marilyn L. Durocher
Gregory K. and Margaret
Dennis C. and Susan H. Dutry
Marten Dykstra
Jean D. Echlin
Terrence G. Edgar
Sarah E. Edwards
Mary R. Eidukas
David and Lisa Ekblad
Jiku J. Elamathail
Brianne K. Eldridge
Mary D. Elliott
David and Barbara Ellis
Robert and Elizabeth Ellis
Winson Elzinga
Francis R. and Maureen Engli
Joan L. Epp
Roger P. Epp
G. Scott Essery
Brian D. Etherington
Joe Evans
Marc and Brenda Evon
Christie Ezeife
Janice and Tony Facecchia
Rose A. Faddoul
Christopher M. Fader
Andrew F. Falls
Margaret L. Fanella
Paul M. Fang
Elena Fantaneanu
Mark and Kelly Fathers
Dorothy M. Faulkner
Thomas C. Faulkner
Frank Fazio
Garnet and Maryellen Fenn
Judi Ferne
Cathy Ferry
Carol A. Finch
Janet D. Finlay-Clark
Nicholas and Kathleen Finney
Ralph M. Fish
Joan R. Fisher
Les Fisher
Michael Fisher
Jeff Flacks
Martina Flanagan
Dianna G. Flannery
Karen A. Fleming
Michael and Mary Fletcher
Robert W. Flewelling
Nancy J. Flickinger
Alan C. and Frances Flint
John B. Foglia
Angela L. Folino
J. Luc M. Forand
Scott Forbes
Michael A. Forcier
Flavio and Assunta Forest
Janice E. Forsyth
David J. Fortin
Andrew D. Foster
Bert A. Fournier
John G. Fowler
Bob Fax
Lisa M. Fransen
Paul R. Frasca
Gerald L. Fraser
Julian Fraser
John Frederick
Aaron Freeman
Patrick S. Freeman
Shane Freitag
Daniel and Nancy Friesen
Maureen and John Friest
Jason R. L. Frost
Brian Fry
Peter O. Fuerth
John R. Funnell
Felice Gabriele
Ronald P. Gagel
Janis L. and Pierre L. Gagne
Norman A. Gagnier
Alfred and Linda Gagnon
Louis and Cheryl Gagnon
Michael Galego
Morgan J. Gallagher
Margaret A. Garabon
Agatha M. Gare
Debbie Gauthier
William G. Gawley
Dennis T. Gazarek
Babatunde O. Gbadamosi
Tina Gelinas
Trevor-Ross J. Georgie
Vincent E. Georgie
Matthew Gervais and Blaire
Frank Giblin
Scott D. Gibson
John Giffen
Gerald A. Gignac
Karen M. Gignac
John and Mary Gilbride
Barbara P. Gillen
Calum I. Gillespie
Clifford M. Girard
Martin and Dorit Girash
Danielle C. Giroux
Wallace Givens
Sasha E. Gladwish
Jeremie R. Gobbo
Brian R. and Susy M.
Esther Goldstein
Robert W. Goodearle
T. Earl Goodeve
Dennis J. Goodman
Lorretta L. Goos
Donald R. Gorassini
Marie Gorman
Martin M. Gorski
Krystyna G. Gorzelska
Spyridon and Georgia Govas
Elizabeth Gowanlock
Izzy Grafstein
Frances M. Graham
Gerald R. Graham
Gary and Ann Gravelle
Brian P. Gray
John M. Gray
Ken W. Gray
Kerry Gray and Family
Leon A. Gray
Leroy L. Gray
Thomas J. Grayson
Thomas Green
Steve A. Greenidge
John Greenway
Kevin J. Greenwood
Jerry J. Grenda
James L. Gretes
Judy Grossutti
Randolph C. Groundwater
Urmi Guhathakurta
Laura M. Gusba
Geoffrey R. Guy
Rita P. Haase
Waseem Habash
Joseph and Mary-Lou
Chris and Dawn Hadre
Catharine and Andrew
Andrew M. Hahn
Linda C. Haist
Julie A. Hakim-Larson
Christopher C. Hales
Rebecca L. Halko
Mildred B. Hall
Stacey Haliday
Jim and Lee Ann Halpin
Valerie Hamel
Patricia M. Hamilton
Helen R. Hanak
Gregory W. Hanaka
Pamela D. Hand
Peter Haney
Forrest C. Bud Hansen
Jens Hanson
Michael Harber
Madeleine Harden
Jaynelle Harding
Mary Anne E. Harding
Gail D. Hargreaves
June E. Harris
Michael R. Harrison
Richard J. Harrison
Drew Harvie
Winnifred Harwood
Gregory Hasen
Michael and Nancy
Thomas and Margaret Hayes
Jeanne D. Hays
Mary F. Heather
Daniel J. Hebert
Rose Hebert
Victor J. Hebert
Nigel E. Hedgecock
Ernie and Wendy Hehn
Philip and Erica Heil
Ingrid A. Helbing
Doris B. Hellenbart
Donna I. Henderson
Patrick and Cheryl
Kathryn A. Hengl
Rod Henning
Kelly A. Henriques
Brian T. Henry
Terry Henry
Nick Herberholz
Ute G. Hertel
Douglas R. Hertz
Jeffery S. Hewitt
Robert and Margaret Hewitt
Olive D. Hicks
Frank and Gloria Hidi
Linda and John Higgins
James Higginson
Pamela G. Hines
Keven and Laurie Hockley
Daniel W. Hodgkin
Brian Hodgson
Charles E. Hoffer
Jim and Karey Hogan
Ed Hogan
Richard and Kelly Hogan
Elizabeth F. Holden
Don P. Hollerhead
Reta Holmes-Desmarais
Gary Hong
Darlene S. Horn
Ralph and Elizabeth Horne
David S. Hornstein
Tom Horodniczy and
Catherine Dwyer
Pat Horstead
Shannon Hosford
Danielle M. Hough
Mark Houghton
Murray B. Howard
Kathryn S. Hoye
Karen L. Hoyland
Ann-Marie Hranka
Robert and Marisa Hrvatin
Sandy Shen-Yu Hsieh
Zhiguo Hu
Joan E. Hubbard
Barbara Hudson
Shane W. Hudson and Mary-
Ann Candussi
Tawny Huff
Brenda J. Hunter
Wendy C. Hunter
Thomas and Peggy Hurst
Mary Jane Hutchinson
Dorothy A. Huynh
David E. Hyttenrauch
Iole M. Iadipaolo
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