As the Vice-president Academic, it is my job to see that the needs of students are met in the continuing expansion and evolution of our curriculum. I am your voice to the Faculty in academic matters, and I am also a resource for students who are having difficulty negotiating some of the academic bureaucracy at Windsor Law. If you have any concerns about classes, about books, about tuition, or you just want to say hi, feel free to email me or stop me in the halls. I'm (nearly) always available.

We're here to make sure that your time at Windsor Law is the best time of your lives. It's not just about working hard, doing well, or securing jobs: it's about making friends and living the experience of law school. So make sure you get to know your classmates, and get to know the upper-years: it's really the people here who make Windsor Law great. I know it'll be a great year, and good luck!

Robert Wright


2003 © University of Windsor Law School Students' Law Society
Questions, comments, complaints & kudos should be directed to the web co-ordinator