University of Windsor, Faculty of Law Poster Policy

All individuals, clubs, committees and organizations wishing to post notices on the walls of the Faculty of Law must have the notices stamped by the General Office (located in the Faculty of Law building) staff before posting. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the notices.

The maximum number of notices that will be stamped per event, advertisement, etc. is four.

“For Sale”, “Employment/Volunteer” and “Off Campus Ads/Local Information” items are to be placed on the designated bulletin board in the lower pit area of the Faculty of Law only.

The General Office staff reserves the right to withhold posting privileges for any notice which is considered inappropriate or insufficiently related to the University of Windsor / Faculty of Law. The General Office staff also reserves the right to withhold posting privileges for posters which are “for profit business posters”.

Notices will not be placed on any glass in the Faculty of Law building. Notices will not cover other legitimately posted notices/signs. Any notice placed on restricted areas in the Faculty of Law building will be removed.

Under no circumstances will packing tape be used to affix posters.

All notices placed in the Faculty of Law must have an identifiable function date (i.e. expiry date). Any notice advertising a specific function shall be removed within 24 hours after the function has taken place. Failure to remove notices within 24 hours will result in an inability for the individual, club, committee or organization responsible for the function to post notices on the walls of the Faculty of Law in the future.

Notices may be placed on the Clubs and Committees bulletin board located in the lower pit without a stamp from the General Office.

The SLS Election by-law governs the posting of notices during election campaign periods.

This policy has been agreed to by the Dean of the Faculty of Law and the Students’ Law Society Executive.

________________________________ Date:________________________
Bruce P. Elman (Dean, Faculty of Law)

________________________________ Date:________________________
Corrine Kulyk(President)

________________________________ Date:________________________
Robert Wright (VP, Academic)

________________________________ Date:________________________
Rob Spender (VP, Operations)

________________________________ Date:________________________
Alwin Kong (VP, Finance)

2003 © University of Windsor Law School Students' Law Society
Questions, comments, complaints & kudos should be directed to the web co-ordinator