Hi! My name is Rob Spender and I am your VP - Operations.

At Windsor Law, we have an amazing committee system that attempts to provide students with a well-rounded law school experience. This is done, for example, by bringing notable members of the legal profession to speak at our fine school, organizing the best social events, and providing first year students with a social orientation program that is envied by all others. My job is to oversee the management of these committees. I am also the person you come to see if you would like to start a club at our law school. Surf around on our website to see a list of the clubs we already have. Finally, I take over the duties of the President in her absence. That is my job in a nutshell.

I encourage all of you to get involved in our school by volunteering to a committee or by joining a club. Look out for Clubs and Societies Day for your chance to sign up for something that interests you. If you have any questions, or just want to hang out and chat, email me, come by the office, or stop me in the halls. I look forward to speaking with everyone. Have a great year and GET INVOLVED!!

Rob Spender


2003 © University of Windsor Law School Students' Law Society
Questions, comments, complaints & kudos should be directed to the web co-ordinator