G. Ron Frisch Ph.D. is the Academic Director of the Problem Gambling Research Group and Professor of
Psychology at the University of Windsor. Within the gambling field, he has a special interest in problem gambling in older adults and issues of prevention, identification and diagnosis of gambling.
He has been a member of the Think Tanks on Youth Gambling Issues at Harvard and McGill Universities, serves as a reviewer for a number of publications and granting agencies, and is Chair of the Board
of the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre in Guelph, Ontario.
He is currently engaged with Richard Govoni on two community based projects, the development of problem gambling prevention programs for seniors, and the development of new criteria for
identifying problem gambling. These projects are nearing completion. Ron has recently undertaken a project to develop
a problem gambling screen for seniors. This project will involve researchers and clinicians from Windsor and Thunder Bay Ontario.
Telephone: 519-253-3000 ex 3708
Richard J. Govoni, Ph.D. is the Research Director of the Problem Gambling Research
Group and Assistant Professor, Adjunct at the University of Windsor. Over the last five years he has developed and managed three major surveys that have tracked the effects of increased gambling
availability on gambling behaviour in the Windsor community. He has an interest in community-based research and in research with seniors.
He is currently engaged with Ron Frisch on two community based projects, the development of problem gambling prevention programs for seniors, and the development of new criteria for identifying
problem gambling. These projects are nearing completion. He is a research consultant on Dr. Frisch's project to develop a problem gambling screen
for seniors. Richard is currently a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Public Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
Telephone: 416-239-7958
Nicholas Rupcich, CCGC, CGC, Chairman of the Problem Gambling Research Group Advisory
Pannel, is a Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor. He is Director of the Windsor Regional Hospital Problem Gambling Treatment Facility, and is an active member of the U.S. National Council on
Problem Gambling. Nicholas developed and managed the Problem Gambling Research Group's adolescent surveys.
Telephone: 519-254-2112

The House on Sunset
Mark Langewisch holds a BScH in Psychology from Queen's University in 1995 and a
M.A. in adult clinical psychology from the University of Windsor in 1997. He is currently working on his dissertaion and has completed an internship at the Psychological Services of the University of
Windsor. He has research interests in gambling and the general field of addictions.
Melissa Hobbs holds
an Honours B.A. (1999) in Psychology, and a M.A. (2001) in Adult Clinical Psychology, both from the University of Windsor.
She is now working towards her Ph.D. in Adult Clinical Psychology, also at the University of Windsor. Melissa's
interest in the area of gambling behaviours stems from her work as the Project Coordinator for gambling research
that is currently being conducted with the Windsor Jewish Community Centre. In addition, Melissa is a counsellor
at the Teen Health Centre in Windsor.
Julie Fraser, Ph.D. is a social psychologist with a background in qualitative research
methods and analysis. She has been a consultant with the University of Windsor, the Oncidium Health Group, and Boghean Rehabilitation Associates. Her community involvements include Board President of
Planned Parenthood Windsor-Essex County, Alive! Canada, and the AIDS Committee of Windsor.
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© 2000, Problem Gambling Research Group
This site was developed by Richard J. Govoni.
Please send any questions or comments about this site to Richard J. Govoni
