The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 4, October 2000

Membership News

Dr. Percy Brill Professor Emeritus Business Administration

Queueing Theorists Honour Percy Brill at Conference

Recently, the conference CANQUEUE 2000 at the University of Western Ontario brought together queueing theorists from Canada and Michigan. The conference was dedicated to Dr. Brill on the occasion of his retirement and in recognition of his major contributions to queueing theory, especially as its originator.

Dr. Brill gave the keynote address at the conference banquet, "A History of the Level Crossing Method."

Dr. Krishan Duggal Professor Emeritus Mathematics and Statistics

presented three invited lectures during July 11 - 24, 2000, in Italy:

 (a)  In Catania, Sicily  Dr. Duggal   attended the Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis ( wcna-200) , July 18-24, 2000 and  gave an invited  lecture on " Warped product of lightlike manifolds".  This paper will be published in the proceedings of wcna-2000.

 (b) From July 11-17, Dr Duggal  visited the University of Bari, Italy  and delivered two  popular lectures [ attended by a large number of faculty and students of Mathematics and Physics] on  " communication, Mathematics and Universe.

 Dr. Peter Hudec Professor Emeritus  Earth Sciences

On a recent trip to Slovakia, Professor Peter Hudec was presented with a gold medal by the Dionyz Stur Slovak Geological Survey on the occasion of their 60th anniversary, in recognition for his cooperation with the Survey and for advancing the cause of Slovak engineering geologists in Slovakia and Canada. Dr. Hudec was also presented with an Honorary Membership in the Slovak Geologic Society: "in recognition of his personal contribution to collaboration in geosciences between Windsor University and geological institutions in Slovakia, active support of Slovak engineering geologists, and personal activities in geological education during his visits in Slovakia".

8th World Salt Symposium, den Haag(Netherlands), May 2000

Dr. Peter Sonnenfeld, Professor Emeritus, Earth Sciences, presented a talk on " The evolution of marine evaporite deposition," published by Elsevier Sciences B.V., Amsterdam, Vol. 1, p.167-172.

Alistair MacLeod Named Fellow Of Royal Society of Canada

Celebrated author and professor of English and Creative Writing Alistair MacLeod will be installed this November as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the society has announced.

This year, the society has elected 61 new fellows from diverse backgrounds and disciplines who are deeply committed to excellence within their chosen field. Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada is considered Canada's senior academic accolade to which scholars and scientists aspire. For 118 years, the society has been a force for the enrichment, interpretation and strengthening of Canada's intellectual heritage.

Dr. MacLeod has taught English at Windsor since 1968. His novel "No Great Mischief" and his recently released collection of short stories, "Island" have topped Canadian best-sellers lists and received international acclaim. As a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, he joins his colleagues Gordon Drake and Bill McConkey in physics, and Byron Rourke in psychology.

Uni-com President Receives Provincial Award

Gabe Seguin, president of the Uni-Com Senior Resource Centre, has been awarded the 2000 Senior Achievement Award by Ontario Lieutenant Governor Hilary Weston.

The Uni-Com Senior Resource Centre is a group of senior citizens who, with the support of the University of Windsor, lend their talents to community projects and causes. These include advocating for seniors and providing mentors to encourage greater participation by seniors in community activities. The program also assists retired university staff to continue serving the community in volunteer roles.

A former director of the Essex County Board of Education, Mr. Seguin oversaw the establishment of a Centre for Learning in Retirement which has served 600 seniors over the past five years. Other Uni-Com projects working for the community under Mr. Sequin's leadership have included the Alzheimer's Project (CARE), the Barbara Parry Cancer in Children project, A Life Worth Living (Traumatic Sight Impairment), World Federalism and a Distinguished Speakers Series.

The award was presented in Toronto late last month.

Late Professor Stewart Moore School of Social Work

Formerly Professor in Social Work and recipient of the 1992 OCUFA Teaching Award, who died November 27, 1997, is having his selected short stories, The Slow Tide of Nightfall, published postumously. The book launch will be held at the IONA College Auditorium, 208 Sunset, Windsor, on Friday, October 13, 2000, at 7.00 p.m., with his wife Helen Moore reading. All are invited.

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