The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 4, October 2000

Association News

Progress Report on Health Benefits

1. Members have noted that in just two years ( 1999 & 2000 ) the monthly costs have increased by 28% in 1999 and another 10% in 2000 for a total of 38%. It is predicted that these monthly costs may escalate at the rate of 10% each year in future. Hence, the Committee is looking at various options. Although, we have 249 faculty, librarian and administrator retirees, only 126 members have subscribed to the Green Shield plan (16 members for option one with full drug coverage and 120 members in option three without drug coverage),which is about 50 % of the eligible members. It is possible, the rest are either covered through their spouses plans or perhaps have some other coverage.

2. The Committee, has seriously looked at the Retired Teachers of Ontario and OSSTF health plans. It should be pointed out that members of WURA are eligible to join either one of the these two groups for significant savings in monthly premium rates. However, the coverage under both these plans is not as luxurious as it is in the University plan administered by Green Shield.

3. WURA members and non-members were urged to review the above three plans carefully and complete a survey, to provide some guidance to the Pension and Health Benefits Committee to proceed in a fashion, that can achieve a substantial saving in monthly premium rates. Further, it would be in our interest if more members could participate in some health plan.

4. So far over 70 responses were received. Without exception, every one has preferred to stay with Green Shield and not join either RTO or OSSTF. In fact they have suggested a co-pay of $ 1 to 5 and deductibles of $ 100, 200 or even 300 to effectively reduce Green Shield costs.

5. An email was sent to Ms Diane Russett, requesting a meeting with her, to explore further reductions in Green Shield rates. She was asked to comment on the following.

(a) Why could we not have a rate for couples, which is twice the single rate, instead of the family rate, which is more than double the single rate, especially when retirees no longer have dependents to support.

(b) If we institute a $ 1,200 maximum on the drugs per year, in addition to Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB), what reduction in rate can we expect.

(c) What would be the savings if we have a $ 100 , $ 200 or $300 deductible in semi-private and/or in Extended Health.

(d) What would be reduction in rate if the Co-pay is $2 , $3 or $5.

University of Windsor Faculty Retirees Benefits Plan Green Shield Suggestions as of August, 2000

Plan Design Change Drugs Current Rate Single: $ 103.13+8% tax Current rate family: $ 243.12+8% tax

Change In rate

$2.00 CoPay Decrease $2.27 Single Decrease $5.35 Family

CoPay=Disp Fee Decrease $20.63 Single Decrease $48.62 Family

$100 deductible/yr +$1.00 Copay Decrease $12.38 Single Decrease $29.17 Family

Mandatory Product Decrease $ 2.06 Single Decrease $ 4.86 Family

Remove coverage for Drugs over the Counter Decrease $ 6.19 Single Decrease $14.59 Family

$1200 Annual Max on Drug Plan Decrease $15.47 Single Decrease $36.47 Family

EHS Plan Design Change

Current Rate Single: $ 17.34+8% Current Rate Family: $ 48.55+8%

Introduce 10% CoPay Decrease $ 1.91 Single Decrease $ 5.34 Family

Change Max on Private Room to $ 1000/year Decrease $ 0.87 Single Decrease $ 2.43 Family

$ 100 Deductible Decrease $ 1.73 Single Decrease $ 4.86 Family

Semi-Private Plan Design

Current Rate Single: $ 8.92+8% Current Rate Family: $ 22.83+8%

Introduce a $150 per Day Maximum Decrease $ 0.22 Single Decrease $ 0.56 Family

Introduce a $ 100 Deductible/year (SEMI&EHS) combined Decrease $ 0.89 Single Decrease $ 2.23 Family

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