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Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Retirees' Association

Thursday, May 9, 2002, Human Kinetics Building Conference Room

Present: Alan Metcalfe (Chair), Don Briggs, Stan Cunningham, Wilfrid Innerd, James Linton, Jerry Malone, John Meyer, Phyllis Nolan, Jane Black Regrets: John Drake.

Minutes : The minutes of April 3, 2002 were approved as circulated.

CAERA ( Canadian Association of Emeriti and Retired Academics)

A. Metcalfe will represent WURA at the one-day meeting May 31 in Toronto. He will report to the committee by email or phone. There was agreement on items of concern: restructuring, name and finances. Action on membership will be held pending approval from the executive and WURA membership.

Communications: J. Linton led discussion on this critical area that is both immediate and long-term. It was agreed that there will be four issues of the newsletter: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, and that a regular communication flow is important to and from the membership. There is a need to ensure communication with those not on a computer and non-members, so that everyone who wants communication has access. Alan is trying to obtain a complete list of retirees from Jim Butler, including those on email. A basic list will be developed before the end of July of terms and their meaning, e.g., Trust Fund and D7, and these terms will be repeated in the newsletters, along with a list of whom to contact for what in bold print. The larger question is other audiences than WURA and the need to develop a strategy. It was agreed that Jim will make overtures to explore this as a topic for a class exercise. The most recent issue of the WUFA newsletter included an article on the wall of past presidents at the Kerr House and a page on pension and benefits submitted by J. Meyer.

Associate Membership (Postponed)

Positions: A replacement is required for the Faculty Association Council and the need for a membership person on the executive was mentioned.

A volunteer is needed to write a column in the next WUFA newsletter.

Executive: A. Metcalfe will be in town July 21-29 and August 27-7 Sept. If there is a need for a meeting in June, S. Cunningham will be interim chair. Otherwise, the next executive meetings will be held Wed. July 24 at 1:30 and Sept. 4 at 1:30.

Other business: J. Meyer initiated a discussion regarding input for and the monitoring of future contract negotiations of WUFA and the University in 2004. Decisions are pending future meetings of various WUFA committees and our representation thereon.

The Fall General Meeting is planned for October 16 and P. Nolan will contact IONA.

The next executive meeting will include the appointment of a nomination committee and the revised WUFA Handbook which J. Meyer has prepared with the assistance of J. Malone.

U of W supporter Leonard Neal passes

One of the University of Windsor's longest and strongest supporters, Leonard Neal died in early July. He was 86. Mr. Neal was a leader and ardent canvasser for the successful investing in Leadership campaign in the early 1990s and was presented the University of Windsor's Clark Award in recognition in 1996. The Leonard and Dorothy Neal Education Building is named in tribute of all his efforts on behalf of the University.

Senior Vice-President Paul Cassano remembers Mr. Neal as one of the community's philanthropic leaders, giving generously to education, health and arts institutions. "He was one of our best critics and a loyal and enthusiastic supporter," Dr. Cassano said.

Mr Neal was president and CEO of Tamco Limited and a past chairman of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association. He is survived by his wife Eleanor Wallace-Neal, who is also a friend and strong supporter of the University of Windsor.

Inside this issue

Page 1. President's Report

Page 2. Campus News

Page 3. Campus News

Page 4. Association News

Page 5. Association News

Page 6. Association News

Page 7. Association News

Page 8. Association News

Page 9. Association News

Page 10. Association News

Page 11. Membership News

Page 12. Editorial News