T he Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada

Vol X I, No. 2, June 2001

Association News

regarding retirees issues, to submit to Negotiating Team. Alan was delegated to finalize the draft and send it to WUFA Negotiating Team, with a request, for small group from WURA to meet with the Negotiating Team.

5.b. D7 Committee: Stan stated that D7 report was formally received by the WUFA Executive, but did not endorse any recommendations contained therein. Gerry Romsa did not sign the report, because of a conflict of interest, with WUFA's contract proposals. He noted that the Negotiating Team would like a response from WURA regarding the opt-in and opt-out clause of the Health Plan. The positive of the WURA Executive was to leave it status quo i.e. one year.

5.c. Pension & Benefits: John Meyer commented on the Northern Trust Company report regarding the pension managers performance. He noted that as March 31, 2001, the market was down by 4% and there were $ 348 million in fixed deposits. International Equities did not do well, but Septre did well. Members of the Executive suggested that we should write a letter to Mr. Eric Harbottle, Vice-President Finance and Chair of Board Pension Investment Committee expressing our dismay at Pension Managers' performance, with copies to President Ross Paul. Mr. Doug Lawson, Board Chair and Chair of Board Finance Committee.

5.d. Bursary Fund - Calendar description: This matter was deferred for the next meeting.

5.e. Treasurer's Report - Phyllis Nolan presented the interim report. The bank balance is $ 2,994.00 94% of members have paid 200-2001 dues. $ 300 was received for 2001-2002 dues. $ 400 sent to Bursary fund..

Moved by Phyllis Nolan and seconded by Jerry Malone that the report be accepted - Carried.

6. Revised Health Plan: WURA Executive has not heard from WUFA, if they concur with the revised recommendations contained in the D7 report, regarding retirees health plan.

7. Purchasing supplies - This matter was dropped from further consideration.

8. Other Business - None

Date of next Executive Committee meeting at the call of the Chair.

9. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 3.15 p.m.

Address Changes of Members

Kumar Chatterjee, 706-111Riverside Dr. E, Windsor, ON

N9A 2S6 Tel: 519-977-9176

Roger Mendels, 468 Notre Dame St, Box 992, Belle River,

ON. N0R 1A0, 519-728-1305

Mordechay Schlesinger, 3663 Riverside Dr. E, Apt 304, Windsor, ON. N8Y 4V3 Tel: 519-988-1685

Geza Szamosi, 705-280 Simcoe st, Toronto, ON M5T 2Y5

Tel: 416-971-6667

New Members - 2001 Retirees

The following new retirees have joined the Association

Jane Black - Leddy Library

Arthur Flett - Visual Arts

Moshe Starets - French

Robert Ferraro - Visual Arts

Gererd Andre-Lemieux - French

James Linton - Communication Studies

Kui-On Lui -Business Administration

John McIntosh - Chemistry & Biochemistry

Gordon Olafson - Human Kinetics

The Newsletter

The Retirees' Newsletter is put out by the Faculty, Librarian Administrator Retirees' Association of the University of Windsor, four times per year: -- in March, June, September and December.

Its main purpose is to inform our retirees on matters of direct interest to them - such as their pensions, benefits, association activities, etc. and, equally, to provide a channel for retirees to keep in touch with each other and with outside groups, including the Faculty Association and the University.

The Newsletter welcomes from readers their comments, arguments, contributions and creative work.

Editor Datta Pillay

Send items for inclusion, to

Datta Pillay,

4015 Villa Borghese,

Windsor, ON. N9G 2K3.

Tel: (519) 972-1247

Fax:(519) 972-9206 OR: Use his email address:


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