The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X,, No. 1, February 2000


In Memoriam

With deep sadness we record the deaths of two former members of University of Windsor in October 1999 and January 2000.

Mary Malloy Aged 89, died on October 22, 1999 in Victoria, BC after a long illness. She was a professor in the School of Nursing along with Professor Florence Roach for many years, retiring in 1977. She continued to live in Ontario (Windsor and Ottawa) before she moved to Victoria, BC in 1992 to be close to her family. According to her brother Philip Molloy she lost her eye sight for over two years before she died, that left her very depressed.

Fr. John Patrick O'Meara died at the age of 85 on February 11, 2000. He was ordained in 1942 and received his Ph.D. in 1948 at the University of Ottawa. He had a distinguished academic career, first serving as Registrar of the University of St. Thomas, Houston 1949-50 and later as Dean and Vice President of St Fisher College of Rochester, NY 1950-59 and from 1959-79 as Professor of History at Assumption and the University of Windsor. Following his retirement in 1979, he assisted in parochial ministry at Sacred Church, LaSalle, Ontario. From 1985-87 Fr. John was the Chief Financial Officer of Assumption University and served on the Board of Governors of Assumption from 1984-91. From 1991 until the time of his death he was in complete retirement.

University of Windsor Faculty Retirees Benefits Plan with Green Shield Services as of February 8, 2000

Upon retirement, members of the Faculty Pension Plan are eligible at their own expense to enrol in one of the following Green Shield Health Benefits packages.

Option One Single Family
Prescription Drugs 98.96 233.29
Dental 16.95 38.04
Semi-private 11.70 29.31
Extended Health 14.27 39.97
Out of Province 10.80 21.60
Monthly Total 152.68 352.21
Option Two Single Family
Prescription Drugs 98.96 233.29
Semi-private 11.70 29.31
Extended Health 14.27 39.97
Out of Province 10.80 21.60
Monthly Total 135.73 324.17
Option Three Single Family
Dental 16.95 38.04
Semi-private 11.70 29.31
Extended Health 14.27 39.97
Out of Province 10.80 21.60
Monthly Total 53.72 128.92

Benefits include the following:

Prescription Drugs: This plan is a $ 1.00 co-pay which provides coverage for all medication prescribed by law, syringes, needles, insulin and diabetic testing agents. It does not include non-prescription drugs, vitamins, blood and blood plasma or patent medicines.

Dental Plan: The dental plan offers 100% of basic coverage and 50% for dentures. Treatment involving crowns, bridgework or periodontal services over $ 300.00 require pre-approval from Green Shield. There is also a $ 1,500.00 orthodontic lifetime maximum.

Semi-Private: Semi-private services does not have a deductible or a maximum level of benefit.

Extended Health Care: This benefit provides, private duty nursing to a lifetime maximum of $10,000.00. Blood and products when required for transfusions are covered. Prosthetic devices are also part of this benefit. Additionally, private rooms are available to a $ 5,000.00 annual maximum.

Out of Province: This benefit provides a wide variety of coverage for those retirees who travel extensively. This includes hospital charges in excess of OHIP medical surgical expenses and emergency air ambulance. Coverage is extended worldwide utilizing toll free numbers to authorize medical treatment.

The Newsletter

The Retirees' Newsletter is put out by the Faculty, Librarian Administrator Retirees' Association of the University of Windsor, five times per year: -- in February, April, June, October and December.

Its main purpose is to inform our retirees on matters of direct interest to them - such as their pensions, benefits, association activities, etc. and, equally, to provide a channel for retirees to keep in touch with each other and with outside groups, including the Faculty Association and the University.

The Newsletter welcomes from readers their comments, arguments, contributions and creative work.

Editor Datta Pillay

Send items for inclusion, to

Datta Pillay,
4015 Villa Borghese,
Windsor, ON. N9G 2K3.

Tel: (519) 972-1247
Fax:(519) 972-9206

OR: Use his email address:

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