The Retirees' Newsletter Page 7

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X, No. 1, February 2000

Editorial Page

Happy Millennium

It is an exciting time to be living during the transition period between the end of one century and the beginning of a new one. Towards the end of the last century, we were all preoccupied with the fears of the Y2K effect, which is now history. We seem to have survived the scare without much damage.

Election of Retiree Reps to WUFA

For the first time in the history of WURA, we now have official representatives on key WUFA committees with voice and vote. This has been an uphill task to achieve this and we hope from now on, at least, we have an opportunity to place the interests and views of retirees to WUFA Committees and to see to it, that they are given due consideration. Thanks to all those retirees who supported the Executive Committee's initiatives in this direction and also for expressing their wishes through the mail ballot in electing the representatives.

Volunteers To Serve On Committees:

As more retirees are joining ranks of WURA, it is necessary to find younger, energetic and dedicated volunteers to share the work. We need several people to work on different aspects of pension, benefits and other matters. To have the voice and vote of WUFA committees is one thing, but not finding enough volunteers to serve on these committees limits our ability.

The Newsletter

With the beginning of the new millennium, this newsletter also celebrates tenth year of its publication. At this time, I remember once again the contribution of my predecessor Bill Phillips who served as founding editor from 1991-97 for the first 25 issues. Those of you who remember the origins of the newsletter and its evolution into its final form in the mid nineties would appreciate the efforts of the editorial staff in producing a fine newsletter. The many positive comments of our members are much appreciated. Having said that, I invite each and every one of you to contribute articles, news, and other interesting information for publication in the newsletter.


Retiree members increased in the last decade reaching a total of 290 this year. In the next 4 or 5 years we can expect another 30-40 retirees. Thus, the group would be about 340-350 representing 70 % of the full-time active faculty. Hence, it is more important that retirees get their due share of pension and benefits and we need to fight for it.

Dues paying membership has grown to healthy 180 compared to a figure of 105 around the beginning of 1998.

Datta Pillay

The Association

The Retirees' Association (Faculty, Librarian, Administrator) at Windsor was formed in 1990, to give a unified voice to retirees; to provide a bridge for communication with the University; to encourage social contact among the retirees; and to open a few doors through which retirees could continue to contribute to the University of Windsor.

Thus the Association is meant to fill what could otherwise be a void in the lives of retirees - possible isolation from the University and from their former colleagues; and possible lack of understanding of vital pension and health issues that affect them directly.

There are only two meetings of the full membership per year: in the spring and the fall. An informal social committee arranges several other events per year - dinners, plays, picnics, and so on -all of which are paid for by those who take part. The Association encourages smaller special interest groups to form as occasion and their interests warrant. Annual dues are $20 per year. This includes five issues of The Retirees' Newsletter .

Officers of the Association are:

President: Stanley Cunningham
Secretary: Datta Pillay
Treasurer & Membership: Phyllis Nolan

Elected Members of the Executive Committee: Bob Chandler; Joseph Habowsky, Alan Metcalfe and Idalia Rappe

Ex Officio Members:

Immediate Past President: Kumar Chatterjee
Founding President: Norm Shklov

Committee Chairs:

Social Committee: Vacant
Bursary Fund Committee: Cormac Smith

The Association's Address is:

Faculty/Librarian Retirees' Association,
University of Windsor Post Office,
Windsor, ON. N9B 3P4


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