The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada

Vol X, No. 1, February 2000

Membership News

Deceased Retirees (cont.)

1998 - W.O. Mitchell, Stuart Nease, Fr. Norbert Ruth

Ian Pemberton, Lucien Lamoureux, John Francis Leddy

1999 - Eric Channen, Derrick Tracy, Thomas McDonald, John Lewis, Frank Smith, Robert Tebbs, Mary Molloy

2000 - Fr. John O'Meara

Professor Mae Harman

Professor Harman writes that she is the past president of the Ontario Division of Canadian Pensioners concerned and an advocate for seniors and all vulnerable people in the community on a volunteer basis. During the last year she has given a number of papers including one to the Ontario Federation of Labour on Human Rights and one to the CEO's of Ontario Hospital association.

The Retirees' Association

I am the brother of Mary Elizabeth Molloy who is on your list as a retiree from the School of nursing in the late 70's. I am sorry to tell you that my sister died on October 22, 1999 after a fairly lengthy decline in health.

With best wishes for your organization; from what little I know you are doing good work for the retirees.

Yours Philip A. Molloy - Thanks Mr. Molloy for the sad news and your good wishes. WURA extends its sincere condolences on your loss. Datta Pillay

Rev Leonard Kennedy after many years at St Lucia has moved back to St Michael's College, Toronto where he is teaching three courses. He writes:

Dear Datta,

I would like to thank you and other members of the Executive for the work you have done for us retirees, especially for obtaining membership on important Faculty Association Committees.

Gratefully yours. Leonard Kennedy CSB

Thanks Father Kennedy for your encouragement and continued support. Much appreciated. Datta

Dear Doctor D. Pillay,

I am writing this letter to thank you for accepting me for the Faculty Retiree's Scholarship for the 1999-2000 academic school year. The financial compensation will be gratefully spent on assuring my continued academic excellence, unfettered by difficulties that would arise without the benefits received. With government assistance, coupled with your generous consideration, I may now finish my university education and achieve the success that I desire. Thank you once again, and I look forward to hearing from you or receiving further consideration for your continued support.

Sincerely, Christopher D. Perchaluk

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for writing to the Retirees Association acknowledging our support through the Retirees Bursary Fund Program. We are glad to note that you were successful in obtaining this bursary two years in a row. Congratulations on your excellent academic record and wish you continued success in all your academic endeavours.

Datta Pillay, Secretary, Retirees Association


Got my first pension cheque this week. Please sign me up a as a member of the association. Please call on me if I can assist in any way. My cards with email address is attached. Visitors welcome at any time! Come visit lotusland! Eric West - Thanks Eric for your invitation.

Geza Szamosi - Sends his greetings and best wishes for a happy new millenium to all. Thanks Geza - Datta

Linda Long

Recently moved to Airdrie alberta to be closer to family. She maintains a working relationship with the Barbara Parry Pediatric Oncology Association's project " Carl/Carla can Sing". She was President of the organization till August 1999 and submitted a research proposal to the provincial government of ontario. She was notified by the new pResident of the Association that a grant of $ 75,000 was awrded for it. She expects to travel to Windsor to implement the project. She wishes WURA to realise its goals in 2000 and looks forward for continued communication from the Retirees Association. Thanks Linda for keeping us posted. Datta

Election of WURA Representatives to Faculty Association Committees

The following have been elected to various committees:

WUFA Executive: John Meyer

WUFA Council: Ross Johnston, John Meyer (ex officio)

WUFA Contract Committee: Alan Metcalfe

225 ballots were mailed to all retirees (members and non-members of WURA, but excluding Associate Members/Spouses of deceased faculty) on January 10, 2000 with a deadline for return of ballots by February 1, 2000. A total of 92 ballots were returned. The Postal Services were unable to deliver about 10 letters for want of correct address, since the retirees moved and did not correct their address with the Human Resources Office.

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