Page 10 The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X11 , No. 4, December 2002


The Association

The Retirees' Association (Faculty,Librarian, Administrator -WURA) at Windsor was formed in 1990, to give a unified voice to retirees; to provide a bridge for communication with the University; to encourage social contact among the retirees; and to open a few doors through which retirees could continue to contribute to the University of Windsor.

Thus the Association is meant to fill what could otherwise be a void in the lives of retirees ­ possible isolation from the University and from their former colleagues; and possible lack of understanding of vital pension and health issues that affect them directly.

There are only two meetings of the full membership per year: in the spring and the fall. An informal social committee arranges several other events per year ­ dinners, plays, picnics, and so on ­all of which are paid for by those who take part. The Association encourages smaller special interest groups to form as occasion and their interests warrant. Because of extreme economy of operation, dues have been kept at the level of $20 per year. This includes four issues of The Retirees' Newsletter .

Officers of the Association are:

President: Alan Metcalfe

Vice-President: John Meyer

Secretary: Jane Black

Treasurer& Membership : Norman King

Elected Members of the Executive

Committee: ; Wilfrid Innerd, Jerry Malone;

Gordon Olafson, Kenneth Pryke

Editor Newsletter: Datta Pillay

Ex Officio Members:

Immediate Past President: Stan Cunningham

Founding President: Norm Shklov

Committee Chairs:

Social Committee: Gordon Olafson

Bursary Fund Committee: Wilfrid Innerd

Pension & Benefits: John Meyer

WEB Master: Ray Hermiston

The Association's Address is:

Faculty, Librarian, Administrator Retirees' Association (WURA)

University of Windsor Post Office,

Windsor, ON. N9B 3P4


Home Page:


Newsletteronline: uwflra/news.htm

Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays

I wish to extend my sincere greetings for the Holiday Season to fellow retirees, their spouses and to all associate members. Hopefully, you will have a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year. My good wishes to all of you to remain healthy and in good cheer in 2003.

Three WURA Executive Committee Members Retire

Don Briggs served as Director for two years and decided to step down this. We thank him for his service.

John Drake served as Director for a year and he also decided to step down this year. Again thanks for his brief time on the executive.

Phyllis Nolan - our Treasurer gave dedicated service to WURA for four years and kept all of us honest with accounts. In particular, I had great pleasure in working with her very closely as Secretary and Editor of Newsletter, updating the Membership Dues database. She was a delight to work with.

Three Major Retirees Concerns

As you peruse through these pages of Newsletter, you find updates on Pension, Trust Fund matters, D7 Committee activities, Health & Benefits matters, in the President's Report on page 1 and on page 9 - which is essentially a summary prepared by John Meyer - Vice President, WURA.

Membership Drive and $ 20 Dues: The call for Dues in the last Newsletter had a good response, with many of you paying the dues for 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 There are still a few who need to send the cheques. The small membership dues has been put to good use by the Retirees Executive Committee, particularly in publishing 4 issues of the Newsletter and being extremely stingy in spending the money.

Retirees Bursary Fund - This fund has surpassed the $ 57,000 mark in just six years, since its establishment. This year your Executive will again offer Three bursaries. I am pleased to echo the pleas in previous editorial column requests to contribute to the Bursary Fund. It's certainly a matter of great pride for the Association to have accumulated over $ 57,000 in such a short time. This year, the on-line applications for bursaries exceed a hundred. However, the awards office has screened them to twenty, for WURA to select three recipients.

Contributions are payable to "University of Windsor-Retirees' Bursary Fund" and addressed to the Office of Student Awards, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4- Please Mark envelope - "Attention of Ms. Aase Cuthbert, Director of Student Awards".

Datta Pillay
What's Inside

P 1. President's Report

P 2. Campus News

P 3. Campus News

P 4. Campus News

P 5. Campus News

P 6. Association News

P 7. Association News

P 8. Association News

P 9. Association News

P10. Editorial