The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 2, April 2000

Association News

Minutes of the Spring General Meeting held on March 28th, 2000 at 2.00 p.m. in Hoffman Auditorium, IONA College.

Members Present: Winfred Benedict, Bruce Burton, John Callaghan, Olga Crocker, George Crowell, Kumar Chatterjee, Stanley Cunningham, Robert Dorrell, Seymour Faber, Gino Fracas, Anna Gupta, Edwin Habib, Joan Hackett, Joseph Habowsky, Frank Holuj, John Huschilt, Henry Jansen, Aranka Kovacs, Bernard Kroeker, Jan Laba,John LaGaipa, William Libby, Joan MaGee, Mahesh Mehta, Alan Metcalfe, John Meyer, Helen Moore, Richard Moriarty, Malcolm Matthew, Ralph Nelson, Phyllis Nolan, Ronold Pazik, Michael Petras, Datta Pillay, Devamma Purushotham, Kenneth Pryke, Idalia Rappe, Stuart Selby, RipuDaman Singh, Cormac Smith,K. Sridhar, Robert Stager, Edward Watson, Peter Wilkinson, Robert Whitehurst.

1. Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1999 - On the motion of John Meyer, seconded by Henry Janzen it was resolved that the minutes of the Fall General Meeting, October 19, 1999 be approved as distributed. Carried.

2. Message from Professor Howard Pawley - Professor Pawley brought greetings from the Faculty Association (FA) and welcomed the opportunity speak to the Retirees Association again, as the Faculty Association (WUFA) president.

He focussed on three main challenges at the University of Windsor. (i) Recent federal budget as disappointing with 2.1 billion dollars for 4 years in health and education. As a result of a meeting in CAUT there is a possibility to push for a Post Secondary Education Act. (ii) Creeping commercialization in Universities in the private sector. (iii) Restructuring and undoing of 2 years. He mentioned that a Faculty Association survey was opposed to restructuring.

With all the WUFA constitutional amendments in place, he said that in future, there will be greater role for retirees at all levels of WUFA activities, which is a major achievement. He was pleased to note that the retirees finally have a voice after being neglected for a long time. He also acknowledged that there may be problems and conflicts, but they can resolve them by working together.

3. Remarks of Jim Skinner - Mr. Skinner commented on the productive meeting of the retirees representatives and representatives from the U of W and Green Shield. He said the objective was to control costs which are likely to go up again in May and still have a good health benefits plan. He announced about an Open Pension Meeting on campus on May 12, time and place to be arranged later, and also referred to the new WEB page on Benefits. The pension plan will be on by next month.

Agenda Item 9a Report dealing with Greenshield premium rates was moved up for discussion. Ms Diane Russett - Green Shield went over the report in detail. She answered questions and clarified many points. It was pointed out that out of 12,000 drugs available, only 3,000 are covered by government under the seniors drug plan. Further, more drugs are delisted each year. She said that $ 100 deductible per year and $ 100 to the government plan will go a long way to reduce costs. In response to a question, she stated that drug stores should provide a 3-month supply of drugs with a single dispensing fee.

4. Business Arising From The Minutes - None

5. Interim Report of the Treasurer:

Professor Phyllis Nolan presented the interim report as follows.

Interim Report October 1, 1999 to March 24, 2000

Opening Balance $ 477.03

Income -

Membership Fees $ 3,243.64 $ 3,2720.67


Printing $ 744.39

Postage Stamps $436.24

Supplies $168.78

Xerox $28.00

Miscellaneous $55.40

Sub-total $ 1,454.65 $ 2,266.02

Balance on hand

(March 24, 2000) $ 2,266.02



152 Paid 1999-2000 $3,040.00

7 Paid 2000-2001 $140.00

1 Paid past dues $50.00

1 Donation $8.64

Total $ 3.243.64

6. President's Report - Stan Cunningham

A copy of the President's report was circulated with the agenda material. Stan alluded to the steady rate of improvement in defining this Association as a robust structure, and as an effective voice of the retirees' concerns and demands.

He focussed on three aspects. (i) WUFA now acknowledges WURA role in formulating pension and health benefits policy. WURA was also instrumental in pushing WUFA to undertake an independent review of the pension plan.

(ii) Retirees are currently actively involved in the work of the Joint University-WUFA D7 Committee to review the adequacy of our pension plan. The D7 Committee is framing tentative terms of reference for this proposed review process.

(iii) WURA members received a comprehensive package how to reduce the monthly premium rates for health benefits. Once we have a favorable response from all retirees, then we will approach the University Administration to implement the package. Finally, our immediate goal is to have a significant input into the next contract (2001) in matters pertaining to pensions and benefits.

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