The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 2, April 2000

Association News

7. Terms of Reference for WURA Standing Committees:

The WURA shall have the following Standing Committees;

1. Bursary Fund Committee

2. Nominating Committee

3. Pension and Benefits Committee

4. Social Committee

1. Bursary Fund Committee:

(1). The Chair of this Committee shall attend all meetings of the Executive Committee. Membership of the Committee shall be up to three members.

(2) The Committee may co-opt additional members from among the association membership to serve as an Advisory Committee to the Chair.

(3) The primary responsibility of the Committee is to explore the opportunities to enhance the Bursary fund and institute such initiatives as approved by the Executive Committee

(4) The Committee shall provide advice or assistance on all matters of interest with respect to Bursaries and Scholarships to the Executive Committee and the Association.

(5) The Committee shall annually obtain the names of suitable candidates from the Student Awards Office in the second week of November for the award of two bursaries of $ 1000 each. The ranking of the applicants for the awards shall be done by the Executive Committee.

(6) The Committee shall be vigilant about the Provincial and Federal Government initiatives with respect to matching grants and other available funds for Bursaries and Scholarships.

2. Nominating Committee:

(1) Membership of the committee shall be Three members. The immediate past president of the association shall serve as the chairperson of this committee.

(2) The remaining two members may be chosen either from the Executive or the general membership, subject to the discretion of the Executive.

(3) The fundamental responsibility of this committee shall be to prepare a slate of names for the various offices of the association, which should be presented at the Fall General Meeting, for its approval. The committee also has the responsibility to fill any vacancies on the Executive and then seek ratification by the General Body at its next meeting.

(4) While the Nominating Committee may propose one name for each office, it has to be receptive to other nominations from the floor, at the Fall General Meeting. In the event there are additional names for each office proposed from the floor, then the Nominating Committee shall conduct the elections with a secret ballot.

3. Pension and Benefits Committee

(1). The Chair of this Committee shall attend all meetings of the Executive Committee. Membership of the Committee shall be up to three members.

(2) The Committee may co-opt additional members from among the association membership to serve as an Advisory Committee to the Chair.

(3) The primary responsibility of the Committee is to explore the opportunities to enhance the Pension and Benefits for all retirees in the Faculty Pension Plan and institute such initiatives as approved by the Executive Committee

(4) The Committee shall provide advice or assistance on all matters of interest with respect to Pension and Benefits to the Executive Committee and the Association.

(5) The Committee shall coordinate its activities with the WUFA Committee on Pension and Benefits and as well with WUFA Contract Committee through our Retiree Representative on all matters of pension and benefits.

(6) The Committee shall be vigilant about the Provincial and Federal Government initiatives with respect to pension and benefits and also monitor Greenshield rates and potential for better packages.

4. Social Committee:

(1). The Chair of this committee shall attend all meetings Executive Committee. Membership of the Committee shall be up to three members.

(2) The Chair of this Committee may co-opt additional members from among the association membership.

(3) The Committee shall plan and present a list of social activities for the year in the second month after taking office, to the Executive Committee for its approval.

(4) Responsibilities of the Committee include planning and execution of all Social events of the association, previously approved by the Executive Committee.

Note: The President is the ex-officio member of all standing committees and is free to attend the meetings at his/her convenience. All Committee Chairs are to advise the President of their meeting schedule, agenda and minutes of the meetings.

On the motion of Kumar Chatterjee and seconded by Ralph Nelson, it was resolved that above terms of reference of committees be approved. Carried.

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