I received my PhD and master degrees in Mathematics from University of Western Ontario, Canada, in August 2010 and August 2006 respectively, under supervisory of Masoud Khalkhali .
I got my undergraduate degree in pure Mathematics from Tehran University. I am a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) and also a member of Research Center for Integrated Microsystems ( RCIM ).
Here is the list of my academic positions:
- Assistant Professor, University of Windsor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada, May 2020-current.
- Instructor, University of Windsor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics , Canada, September 2012-April 2020.
- Assistant Professor, (Limited-Duties appointment), University of Western Ontario, Department of Mathematics, Canada, summer 2017.
- Assistant Professor, (Limited-Duties appointment), University of Western Ontario, Department of Mathematics, Canada, summer 2015.
- Assistant Professor, (Limited-Duties appointment), University of Western Ontario, Department of Mathematics, Canada, summer 2013.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of New Brunswick, Canada, September 2010- December 2011.
- Visiting Research Fellow, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, (IHES), France, December 2014- January 2015.
- Visiting Research Fellow, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, (IHES), France, January 2012- April 2012.
- Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, (IPM), Tehran, Iran, summer 2012.
- Visiting Research Fellow, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, (HIM), Bonn, Germany, July-August 2008.
- Adjunt Faculty , Henry Ford College, Unites States, From fall 2016.
- Mathematics Instructor, Fanshawe College (Part time), Canada, September 2009-April 2010.
- Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant, University of Western Ontario, Canada, September 2005- August 2010.