This is a list of jobs taken from a variety of sources.
Other job sites to look at
The jobs section of
The Probability Web.
- The INFORMS (Inst. for Operations Research and Management Science) Employment Site.
- The jobs list of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)
- The job list of IEEE (Inst. of Electrical and Electronics
- The Fields Institute (in Toronto)
has information about jobs. If you are interested, see
Eurandom is "European research institute for the study of stochastic
phenomena" located
in the Netherlands. Visit the web site for information
on job vacancies and other information.
- MathJobs.org
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Posted: Octiber 20, 2021
Tenure-Track Position in Probability and Stochastic Processes
Job Posting Number:
Deadline Date:
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
The University of Windsor's Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in
the Faculty of Science, invites applications for a Tenure-Track position
at the rank of Assistant Professor, in the area of Probability and
Stochastic Processes, commencing July 1, 2022. This position is subject to
final budgetary approval.
The University of Windsor is a medium-sized university with a solid
reputation in teaching and research, offering a friendly and supportive
environment for both living and learning. It is Canada’s southernmost
university, and its border location provides unique cultural,
recreational, and educational opportunities for faculty and students.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics consists of 14 professors, 1
Sessional Lecturer, 1 Ancillary Academic Staff (Director of the Math and
Stats Learning Centre), 2 support staff, about 100 undergraduate students,
and about 40 graduate students, both masters and doctoral. For further
information about the Department, including information on our research
areas, visit http://www.uwindsor.ca/math/. The department is in the
Faculty of Science, which has a 1 to 16 faculty to student ratio, has more
than $2M annually in scholarships, involves more than 65% of its students
in research, and has more than $10M in annual research support.
The position in probability and stochastic processes is intended to
enhance our current areas of expertise (Statistical inference,
Biostatistics, Statistical/machine learning and data analytics) and would
strengthen teaching and cross-disciplinary collaboration in finance,
stochastic operations research, health care, biology, and population
dynamics and epidemics.
The ideal candidate must possess a PhD in Statistics (or in Probability
and/or Stochastic Processes) supported by a demonstrated record of
excellence in research demonstrated by refereed publications, grants and
fellowships. Preference will be given to candidates with a strong research
program in probability and stochastic processes, especially with evidence
of collaboration and research in applications of stochastic processes in
some or all the following areas: Finance, Health Care, Epidemic Modeling
(e.g., SIS models, Markov models), Image Analysis (e.g., stochastic point
processes in neuroimaging, ophthalmology, etc.), and population dynamics.
The preferred candidate must also have proven strong computational skills
as the above applications require such skills. In addition, strong English
communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to teach
undergraduate and graduate courses is essential, as is the ability to
contribute to our strong graduate program through the supervision of
graduate students.
Application Requirements
a letter of application, including a statement of citizenship/immigration
a detailed and current curriculum vitae;
a two (2) page outline of research interests and accomplishments;
samples of scholarly writing, including (if applicable) clear indications
of your contribution to any jointly authored pieces;
a teaching dossier or portfolio demonstrating potential for or evidence of
teaching effectiveness and excellence that will include sample course
syllabi/outlines, teaching evaluations, and a statement of teaching
philosophy and interests (resources and templates for completing a
teaching dossier can be found at
graduate transcripts; and
three (3) current letters of reference forwarded directly by the referees
to the Department Head at the address listed below.
To ensure full consideration, complete an online application
(http://www.uwindsor.ca/facultypositions) found on the job advertisement
by December 15, 2021. The short-listed candidates may be invited to
provide further information in support of their applications. Only those
applicants selected for interview will be contacted. Applications may be
considered after the deadline date; however, acceptance of late
submissions is at the discretion of the appointments committee.
When completing the online application, please reference
Position Number: 002353TT-2022-MAT
Questions and Reference Letters to be sent to:
Dr. Richard J. Caron, Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4
Phone: (519) 253-3000, ext. 3015, E-mail: mthsta2@uwindsor.ca
The University of Windsor is a comprehensive research and teaching
institution with more than 16,000 students. We are a welcoming community
committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in our
teaching, learning, and work environments. In pursuit of the University's
Employment Equity Plan, members from the designated groups (women,
Indigenous/Aboriginal (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) persons, racialized
persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and persons of a
minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity) are encouraged to
apply and to self-identify. If you need an accommodation for any part of
the application and hiring process, please notify the Faculty Recruitment
Coordinator (recruit@uwindsor.ca). Should you require further information
on accommodation, please visit the website of the Office of Human Rights,
Equity & Accessibility (http://www.uwindsor.ca/ohrea). All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority.
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