About the Lab

Understanding the psychological factors and processes involved in health and well-being is the overarching theme that unifies the research conducted in the Health & Well-being Lab. The Lab consists of in-person and virtual research facilities located in CHS 176, 275 and 275a. The Lab's research facilities are supported in part by an infrastructure grant from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation Leaders Opportunity Fund, and the Ontario Research Fund awarded to Dr. Sirois in 2006.

The in-person research facilities include a focus group/interview room with an adjacent observation room and audio/video recording equipment, and psychophysiologial assessment equipment and software for monitoring heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, grip strength, and galvanic skin response. The virtual research facilities include a state of the art system for on-line data collection.

Research in the Health and Well-being Lab is conducted using a diverse range of methodologies and data analytic techniques, and provides students with excellent training opportunities to expand their repetoire of research skills. Methodologies include on-line data collection, mail surveys, longitudinal designs, experimental designs, and interviews. Data analytic techniques include structural equation modeling, latent growth modelling, scale development, qualitative analyses, and computational linguistics analysis. On-line data collection is a particular specialty of the lab and to date we have published a number of papers in well-known peer-reviewed journals that used this technique.

Director:Dr. Fuschia Sirois
Lab Manager:Emrah Eren

Lab News!

May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
October 2009
September 2009
August 2009
July 2009
May 2009
April 2009