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| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada | |
Government |
State church and monarchy | The Church of England and The Archbishop of Canterbury's home page | The Monarchy (Official web site of the Royal Family) - Buckingham Palace Press Release Menu, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme and The Prince's Trust | Westminster Abbey | |
Parliament | Parliament - Acts of Parliament, The Parliamentary Channel and Public Bills before Parliament | House of Commons - Publications on the Internet and This week's House of Commons business | House of Lords | Hansard - Commons Debates and Lords Debates | |
Government agencies and services | Bank of England | The British Council | Cabinet Office | Central Office of Information | Commission for Racial Equality | Customs & Excise | Government Information Service | Guide to Official Statistics (1996) | HM Stationery Office (HMSO) - Statutory Instruments (Full text 1997-) | Inland Revenue | National Audit Office | National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) | Office of National Statistics | Official Documents (links to a variety of full text documents) | Public Record Office | Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (HMC) | Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) | The Security Service (MI5) | Stationery Office of the United Kingdom (Official Documents) - Command, White and Green Papers (includes full text of recent papers), Publications Catalogue and Internet Publications Catalogue (available in full text) | UK Passport Agency | 'Visit Britain': British Tourist Authority | |
Local government | Corporation of London (City of London's local government authority) and London Metropolitan Police | Local Democracy and Community Leadership Consultation Paper (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions) | Local Elections 98 (BBC News) | Local Election Results 1995-1997 | Local Government Association | Local Government Commission for England (LGCE) | London Decides (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions) | London Referendum London Facts and Referendum Results (BBC News) | 'Tagish's Directory of UK Local Authority Web Sites | Tagish's Directory of UK Parish and Town Council Web Sites | |
The Electoral System |
Elections | British Election Studies, 1963-1992 (general election surveys - University of Essex) | British Election Studies Information System - BESIS (data and documents for cross-sectional studies - London Guildhall University and University of Essex) | Elections in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Known Company Donations to UK Political Parties 1995/6 | Northern Ireland Elections 1996 | Specialist Group on Elections, Public Opinion and Parties in Britain (EPOP) | Report of the Independent Commission on the Voting System (Secretary of State for the Home Department, October 1998) | European Parliamentary Elections Bill (introduced in the House of Lords on 3 December 1998) | Vote 99, May 6th (elections for Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and local councils, BBC News) | |
Political parties | Albion Party | British National Party | Communist Party of Britain | Communist Party of Great Britain | Conservative Party | Co-operative Party | Green Party of England and Wales | Islamic Party of Britain | Labour Party | Liberal Democrat Party | Liberal Party | Libertarian Alliance | Monster Raving Loony Party | National Democrats | Natural Law Party | New Communist Party | Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales -Welsh nationalist) | Prolife Alliance | Rainbow Dream Ticket Party | Referendum Party (anti-EU) | Scottish Green Party (ecologist) | Scottish Liberal Democrats | Scottish National Party (Scottish nationalist) | Scottish Socialist Alliance | Socialist Equality Party (Britain) | Socialist Labour Party | Socialist Party | Socialist Workers Party | Third Way | UK Independence Party | UK Virtual Party | |
Northern Ireland political parties | Northern Ireland Public Service Web - Political Parties | Alliance Party (liberal) | Democratic Unionist Party (radical unionist) | Green Party of Northern Ireland (ecologist) | Progressive Unionist Party (radical unionist, linked to Ulster Volunteer Force) | Sinn Féin (radical republican, linked to IRA) | Social Democratic and Labour Party (social-democratic) | Ulster Democratic Party (radical unionist, linked to Ulster Defense Association) | Ulster Unionist Party (conservative unionist) | |
Polls | ICM (Guardian and Observer) | MORI | NOP Research Group Limited | National Opinion Polls (Sunday Times) | |
Law and civil liberties |
| Confederation of British Industry (CBI) | The Euro - One Currency for Europe (E.U.) | Get Ready for the Euro (HM Treasury), EMU Information (HM Treasury) and The Bank of England's Euro Page | London Stock Exchange | Foreign Exchange, The Economy, The Markets and London Shares (BBC News) | European Economic and Monetary Union (Financial Times) | Special Report: European Monetary Union (BBC News, November 12, 1998) | |
Interest and pressure groups |
Issues | Constitutional reform page | Falklands-Malvinas Forum | Lords Reform (BBC News) | |
Interest groups | British Chambers of Commerce | TUC (Trade Unions Congress) on the Internet | |
Media |
| Britain in the USA and British Media Review (British Information Service, New York) | British Broadcasting Corporation and BBC News | Channel Four | The Daily Telegraph | The Economist | The Electronic Telegraph | The European | Financial Times | The Glasgow Daily Record and Sunday Mail | The Guardian | The Independent | London Evening Standard | New Statesman | News Unlimited (Guardian Unlimited) | Newshound (links to daily newspaper articles about Northern Ireland) | The Observer | Red Pepper | The Sunday Times | The Times | UK Teletext | Yahoo! UK and Ireland News and Events | |
British history and culture |
British History | American and British History Resources on the Internet (Rutgers University) | BBC Timelines: England and Scotland (multi-level timelines of the histories of England and Scotland from the Neolithic age to the present) | Battle of Hastings 1066 | Great Britain Historical Database (nineteenth and twentieth-century aggregate statistics for U.K. - University of Essex) | Magna Carta (1216) | Roman Military Sites in Britain (fortresses, forts, watchtowers, temporary camps, depots and industrial sites, built by the Roman Army in Britain plus background material on the Roman Army and military history of the province) | |
English Culture | "The English: Europe's lost tribe" (BBC News, January 14, 1999) | English Heritage (body created by Parliament in 1984 to protect the historic environment) | "Shakespeare and the Formation of English Identity" (Ari Yampolsky) | |
European Union |
| Europa - Official European Union Website | Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris, April 18, 1951) | Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957) | Treaty establishing the European Community (Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957) | Single European Act (SEA, 1987) | Treaty on European Union (TEU - Maastricht Treaty, February 7, 1992) | Treaty of Amsterdam (June 16-17, 1997) and Summary of Treaty (Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) | UK Presidency of the European Union (Jan. 1 - June 30, 1998) | British Members of the European Parliament | |
| Insurgency Online - Northern Ireland | Irish Politics | Northern Ireland Politics | Scotland | The Troubles (Northern Ireland) | Wales | West European Politics | Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry | |