Did you know?
If the sun were to become a black hole the Earth and other planets in our solar system would not be destroyed. The mass of the sun would not have changed therefore the planets orbits would not change; it simply would become very dark and cold.

Matter that is condensed to a small enough radius known as the Schwarzschild radius R = 2GM/c^2 is predicted to cause a gravitational force so strong that no particle or even light could ever escape its clenches . In nature black holes have been predicted to form when stars of large enough mass are nearing the end of their lifespan and exhibit gravitational collapse . In fact anything that falls within the Schwarzschild radius, also known as the event horizon, is pulled directly to the center implying that in theory the gravitational forces exerted would eventually reduce the black hole into a point singularity, assuming that no new force would arise to counteract such a process .

Labeled sections of a rotating black hole
Labeled sections of a rotating black hole. 35

When also considering rotation and charge the situation becomes much more difficult however the concept is the same. Its solution shows that the event horizon has an outer and inner boundary, the point singularity is actually a ring singularity and charged black holes have the ability to attract oppositely charged material until becoming neutral once again. Directly below we can see a labeled diagram of the different regions located in a rotating black hole

If you're even more interested on the topic then try to find a black hole while observing the visible, radio and x-ray spectrums with this simple activity.