Windsor Appeals
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Graduate Resources  

College of Graduate Studies and Research
College Regulations


A program may require either oral or written examinations in graduate courses. 

Each instructor must inform his or her students, by the end of the second week of each course, concerning the following:

(a) the basis for determining the final grade in the course;
(b) the approximate dates for tests, essays, etc. 

Alterations in the announced procedure may be made by the instructor with the consent of the majority of the registered class.

A student who misses an examination or wishes to receive consideration on account of a serious illness, a bereavement, or other grave reason prior to or during the examination period should communicate with the program coordinator concerned as soon as possible, and must submit supporting documents (e.g., a medical certificate) before or during the examination period but no later than one week after the scheduled examination. In such cases, the Executive Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, on recommendation of the program coordinator and the Academic Standing Committee, may grant aegrotat standing in the subject or subjects concerned on the basis of the term mark, or approve an Incomplete grade or a supplemental examination.

Graduate appeals must be made in writing to the Executive Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, in accordance with the Graduate Appeals Policy as stated in Senate Bylaw 51.B. and C. Appeals must be received no later than one month after the grade or decision has been released by the Registrar.