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Grad Studies Colloquium PhD Seminars 81-503

Thinking about "Bad Thinking"


THE KEYNOTE PANEL AT THE TABLE (Theme: Critical Thinking)

Michael Shermer Matt Herrington Paul, et al James Lett Larry's Mother
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
10 Step Guide to Baloney Detection 3 Subtypes of Stupidity 35 Dimensions of Critical Thought Six Rules-A field Guide to Critical Thinking Rule for Clarity
For the 10-step guide follow the above link and scroll down to the Boundary Detection Kit. A book review of Sternberg's collection of papers on stupidity. A nice checklist.

Some suggestions from an anthropologist.

Would Larry's mother be able to understand what you are saying?
 As you are exposed to these panel presentations you could take a few notes and try and compile a list of things to watch for in your own work and the work of others, things that indicate flaws in thinking. The greater your knowledge of problems to guard against, the better your own thinking and writing will be, and the better your scholarly critique of others, in this course and in the literature reviews you write for your thesis or dissertation.

This offer of information and strategies might facilitate a thorough and productive critical awareness, practice, and habit.





Matthew Herrington practices law in Washington, D.C. His email address is
Paul, R., Binker., A., Jensen, K., & Kreklau, H. (1990). Critical thinking handbook: A guide for remodeling lesson plans in language arts, social studies and science. Rohnert Park, CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking.