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(Chapter 5) -- Multiculturalism, etc.








The Media Culture....  

Carl Bybee and Ashley Overbeck
Homer Simpson explains our postmodern identity crisis, whether we like it or not: Media literacy after "The Simpsons"

This article suggests that "The Simpsons" is a sophisticated media text about media that forces educators who teach media literacy into an encounter with postmodern theory. The meaning of postmodern theory for media education is explored through a focus on two ongoing themes in "The Simpsons": the changing conception of personal identity and the consequences of a relentlessly ironic worldview. Icons of popular culture can be used to teach about philosophical constructs.

Vincent E. Faherty
Is the mouse sensitive? A study of race, gender, and social vulnerability in Disney animated films

This study is a quantitative content analysis of characters appearing in the 19 most successful and most recent Disney animated movies. The focus is on the variables of diversity (including gender, race/ethnicity, and age), assigned roles within the films, and social vulnerability, defined as any life situation or condition that makes one susceptible to being hurt or disadvantaged in some manner, either physically, emotionally, or economically. Results are mixed. There are several positive outcomes for which the Disney Corporation should be applauded, but there are also a number of serious lapses.