Objectives The Educational Psychology course is basically an information course. You will be required to interact with current thinking and research on the relationship between psychology and education with a view to the development of practical strategies and applications. Format To meet the objectives, a variety of presentation formats (e.g., lecture, discussion, workgroups, video, presentations, etc.) will be utilized. Workgroups (4-6 per group) will be formed for the duration of the course. Groups will be required: (1) to meet regularly during class time in assigned locations, (2) to prepare responses to in-class assignments, CANCEL (3) prepare a presentation for one class, and (4) to prepare answers to assigned group-tests. If you change groups make sure your name is recorded for your new group. For a sense of varied class activities you could check the following link: http://www.utpjournals.com/jour.ihtml?lp=simile/issue7/morton1.html Content The content for the course will be drawn from the textbook, from existing research, and from Internet resources. Assignments
Evaluation of Assignments Groupwork & Reports (Assignments 20%) Evaluation by Tests First Test(40%), open-book, group-format, multiple-choice test Second Test(40%) multiple choice test during exam week The tests to evaluate course content (text and lectures) are objective tests (multiple-choice format with questions ranging from 1 to 60 per test) which will be administered during weeks indicated on the course outline. Several of the questions are ambiguous and are designed to generate discussion. When there appears to be more than one "right" answer your task is to decide which is the best "right" answer. Note that a good effort, and meeting specified criteria, will ensure a passing grade (typically in the B range), but not necessarily an A level grade. The actual grade and grade range is related to the normal distribution of marks. Note all tests are "open-book." 1. Criterion-Referenced (Overall Percent) Grade reflected in all marks acquired 2. Norm-Referenced (Based on a normal curve) Grade based on rank and relative standing CANCEL 3. Authentic Assessment (Practical & Applied In-class Assignments) Grade based on In-class assignments & group presentation 24% maximum CANCEL 4. Peer Assessment (Informal & Formal) Grade based on peer report (2-6%) CANCEL 5. Self Assessment (Reflective & written) Grade based on self report (2-6%) Reporting Grades The grade submitted for university transcripts is the norm-referenced grade.
Student Evaluation of Teaching Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) forms will be administered during the last two weeks of each class schedule. |