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Resource: Creswell. J. W. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, Choosing Among Five Traditions. SAGE Publications.
Qualitative Methods Description of the Method  
Considers a particular individual
Found in literature, psychology, history, etc.
Involves analyses of documents, interviews, etc.
Report is characterized by details, and the rich synthesis following the analyses.
Phenomenological Study
Looking to grasp the essence of a phenomenon, or the essence of one's experience of a phenomenon
Found in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology...
Involves detailed interviews with numerous people (perhaps 10)
Data are how people describe their experiences, the meaning they attribute, and the themes which emerge...
Report is characterized by the capture of the "essence" of the experience.

Looking to develop a theory, or theories, from field data collected
Found in sociology, psychology...
Involves detailed interviews with numerous people (perhaps 30) to flesh out themes, and research questions, and then build a theory
Data are coded in systematic ways (Open, Axial, and Selective...)
Report is characterized by the presentation of a model or theory...


An Ethnography
Describe a particular group--cultural, ethnic, religious, social, etc...
Found in sociology, history, anthropology...
Involves interviews, observations, examination of artifacts, ...
Data are collected in the field over an extended period of time...
Report involves description informed by detailed notes, analysis, and synthesis

Case Study
Analysis of a single case or situation...
Found in sociology, history, psychology,
Data are collected from artifacts, archives, interviews, observations,
Report involves description, the elaboration of major themes, and inferences, implications and applications of the data...