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  Lakehead Core 2002

The Psychology of the Researcher (July 3 pm)


Psychology of the Researcher: This session involves examining certain cognitive biases to which the researcher may be subject that may influence conclusions being drawn from "data". Unintentional experimenter bias and subject bias (intentional and unintentional) is discussed. The notion of data as an extension of theory rather than an independent test of theory is examined. Design problems in comparative research will be discussed as will other design issues with examples from Piagetian research and other areas of research. Issues regarding statistical tests and the null hypothesis are discussed including the issue of statistical significance versus social significance.

Advance Reading Suggestion:

Bentz , V.M and Shapiro , J (1998) Mindful Inquiry in Social Research. London:Sage publications (I have ordered copies for all students that will be available in the LU bookstore) 

Cole, M. and Means, B. (1981) Comparative Studies of How People Think. Cambridge:Harvard University Press.