Learning Strategies
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Problem Solving Mnemonic

bulletI Identify the Problem
bulletD Define and Represent the Problem

Relevant information? Appropriate questions?


Graphing, mapping, flowcharting…


Identify facts, opinions, stereotypes, cliches, logic, assumptions, bias, emotions, propaganda, spin, value systems, ideologies, inconsistencies, etc.

bulletE Explore Possible Strategies (algorithms and heuristics)
bulletA Act on the Strategies
bulletL Look Back and Evaluate the Results


Teaching Problem Solving

1. Probe
bulletDo they distinguish relevant from irrelevant information?
bulletAre they aware of their assumptions?
bulletDo they visualize via diagrams, etc. ?
bulletCan they explain the problem to a peer?


2. Multiple-Perspective Taking
bulletEncourage them to collect different views.
bulletPractice defending a different point of view.


3. Systematic Approaches
bulletThink-aloud protocols…
bullet"what would happen if…"
bulletKeep lists of suggestions.


4. Explore Strategies (algorithms and heuristics)
bulletMeans-ends analysis (small steps)
bulletUse analogies
bulletUse "working backwards"
bulletVerbalize (oral & written)


5. "Let My People Think!"
bulletIndividual and group formats.
bulletResist giving the solution.
bulletLet them sleep on it.


Show Them Information Processing Tactics

bulletAttention Focusing
bulletMake outlines
bulletLook for headings
bulletLook for topic sentences
bulletSchema Building
bulletStory grammar
bulletTheory schemas
bulletTopic schemas
bulletIdea Elaboration
bulletPQR4 (preview, question, read, reflect, recite, review)
bulletPattern Learning
bulletIdentify reasons for actions
bulletComparing performance to an expert model
bulletPart practice
bulletWhole practice


Prepare: A strategy for preparing for class


bulletP Plan for locker stops 
bulletR Reflect on what you need and take 
bulletE Erase personal needs 
bulletP Psych self up 
bulletPause for attitude check
bulletSay a personal goal related to the class
bulletYoke in negative thoughts
bulletChallenge self to good performance
bulletA Ask self where the class has been and where it is going
bulletR Review notes and study guide
bulletE Explore meaning of teacher’s introduction
bulletEllis, E. S. & Lenz, B. K. (1987). A component analysis of effective learning strategies for LD students. Learning Disabilities Focus, 2, 97-101.


Writer: Monitoring for written errors

bulletW Write on every other line
bulletR Read the paper for meaning
bulletI Interrogate yourself with "COPS" questions
bulletCapitalized the first word and all proper nouns?
bulletOverall appearance?
bulletPunctuation—periods, commas, semicolons?
bulletSpelling looks okay, or should I use a dictionary?
bulletT Take paper to another for proofreading
bulletE Execute a final copy
bulletR Reread your paper a final time
bulletEllis, E. S. & Lenz, B. K. (1987). A component analysis of effective learning strategies for LD students. Learning Disabilities Focus, 2, 97-101.


Multipass: A textbook reading strategy

bulletS Survey the chapter using TISOPT
bulletT Title read and paraphrased
bulletI Introduction read verbatim and paraphrased
bulletS Summary read verbatim and paraphrased
bulletO Organization analyzed by reading headings
bulletP Pictures examined
bulletT Table of contents examined
bulletEllis, E. S. & Lenz, B. K. (1987). A component analysis of effective learning strategies for LD students. Learning Disabilities Focus, 2, 97-101.


RIDER: A visual imagery strategy for reading comprehension


bulletR Read (the sentence)
bulletI Make an image or picture in your mind
bulletD Describe how the new image is different from the last sentence
bulletE Evalute the new image to ensure it contains everything necessary
bulletR Repeat the steps as you read the next sentence
bulletEllis, E. S. & Lenz, B. K. (1987). A component analysis of effective learning strategies for LD students. Learning Disabilities Focus, 2, 97-101.