| Both Lincoln & Kennedy were concerned with civil rights. |
 | Lincoln was elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960. |
 | Both were slain in the presence of their wives. |
 | Both were shot in the head. |
 | Their successors—both named Johnson—were southern Democrats, and
Senators. |
 | Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, Lyndon Johnson in 1908. |
 | John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839, Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939. |
 | Booth and Oswald were both killed before going to trial. |
 | Both presidents’ wives had children die while in the White House. |
 | Lincoln’s secretary—Kennedy by name—advised him not to go to the
theater. Kennedy’s secretary—Lincoln by name—told him not to go to
Dallas. |
 | Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and ran to a warehouse. Oswald shot
Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theater. |
 | The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. |
 | The names Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson each contain 13 letters. |
 | The names John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each contain 15 letters.
Source: Weber, K.J. (1977), Read & Think 1. Toronto:
Methuen. |