Cross Index Fischerella
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Oxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
Compare Cyanobacteria

Prochlorales Procloron didemni, Prochlorothrix hollandica

Contrast Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria


Morphology Fischerella
Specialized structures The true branches of this organism are uniseriate and composed of cells that are generally longer than broad, particularly those distal from the base. The axis (primary trichome) from which they arise is mainly uniseriate as well but may become multiseriate in part, with divisions in more than one plane. The axis in these regions, however, is seldom more than 2-3 cells in thickness. In addition, the cells of the axes become enlarged, often semispherical in shape. The older cells of a main axis may become separated from each other by sheath material and may act as akinetes (Martin and Wyatt 1974). Most of the widened cells of the axial trichome, however, possess a true filamentous nature with only a peptidoglycan septum separating cells (Nierzwicki et al. 1982b; Balkwill et al. 1984). The main axis forms when a hormogonium comes to rest, cells enlarge, and some cell divisions begin that are parallel to the long axis or diagonal (oblique); some of the resulting cells elongate to form branches (secondary trichomes) (Balkwill et al. 1984; Nierzwicki-Bauer et al. 1984) (These narrow secondary trichomes (which may taper) become progressively longer with cell elongation and transverse divisions.

Fischerella may eventually differentiate series of spherical, thick-walled cells that are akinetelike. Typical cyanobacterial akinete types are not easily recognizable. In some cases, the widened cells may divide in a second plane and form new branches (i.e. secondary trichomes). The hormogonium is a gliding, rotating trichome composed of few (about 11-16), narrow, morphologically uniform cells that are cylindrical or slightly barrel-shaped (Hernndez-Muniz and Stevens (1987) They are formed as the distal portion of branches. No heterocysts differentiate until after hormogonia have ceased motility. Heterocysts of Fischerella (Mastigocladus laminosus) are elongate, spherical or even compressed (shorter than broad) and are lateral, terminal or intercalary. Heterocysts of thermophilic strains are, at least, different from typical heterocysts of the Nostocales, in that they possess only one additional wall layer (homogeneous type) and have densely stacked lamellar membranes (Nierzwicki-Bauer et al. 1984).

In field populations of Fischerella in flowing hot springs, almost the entire mass is composed of tufts or streamers of secondary trichomes several centimeters in length, and no branching is seen except in the prosterate attached mass or primary trichomes (main axes).

Besides the true branching habit, the great diversity of form as described by Frmy (1936), Schwabe (1960), Rippka et al. (1979) and Balkwill et al. (1984) for Fischerella (Mastigocladus laminosus) also applies to these nonthermophilic representatives. In the nonthermophilic strains, hormogonia were not always formed under the expected conditions, and sometimes the multi-seriate condition of the axis was rare or lacking. Thurston and Ingram (1971) have also studied the morphology and fine structure of another nonthermophilic species of Fischerella in which they show details of synaptic connections, with microplasmodesmata joining adjacent cells in the branch trichomes

Solid surface  


Growth Parameters Fischerella
Tropism All strains were capable of photoheterotrophic and dark chemo-heterotrophic growth, utilizing glucose, fructose or sucrose and, in two cases, ribose
Products All seven strains of Fischerella examined by Rippka et al. (1979) synthesize phycoerythrocyanin (see also Fuglistaller et al. 1981)
Unique features  
Habitat in flowing hot springs Most of the information on Fischerella from culture has been from the thermophilic species, which is common in neutral pH and alkaline hot springs throughout the world (Castenholz 1978).

Although Fischerella (Mastigocladus laminosus) forms dominant, and become almost monotypic, populations in many hot springs, species of nonthermophilic Fischerella are generally not as conspicuous and often occur in moist subaerial habitats. Marine forms are rare or lacking.



Genome Fischerella
G+C Mol % ranged from 41.9 to 46.3 for seven strains (Herdman et al. 1979a).
  The genome size of four strains ranged from 3.62 to 4.75 x 109 daltons (Herdman et al. 1979b).


Reference Fischerella
First citation Gomont,M. 1895. Note sur le Scytonema ambiguum Kutz. J. Bot. 9:49-53
The Prokaryotes  
Bergey's Systematatic p 1795 R.W. Castenholz
Bergey's Determinative p 413