Tissues and Organs of the Immune Response

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updated 18/01/01      
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A thorough knowledge of the structure and function of the individual organs of the immune system is essential for a complete understanding of the immune response. This exercise is designed to acquaint you the the structure and immunological function of the major organs and tissues involved in immunity


This laboratory section assumes that the student is familar with the use of the light microscope but the student may wish to review either Basic Microscopy or Observation through the microscope


  1. To be able to identify the structure and function of the thymus
  2. To be able to identify the structure and function of the spleen
  3. To be able to identify the structure and function of the lymph node.
  4. Answer the questions at the end of this exercise

Most students will be able to complete these objectives in a single laboratory session but some may need to become more familar with the use of the oil immersion lens of the microscope. Therefore, a concluding lab session will be offered the next week if needed.


  1. Review the presention on the TISSUES OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE. This presentation takes you through the structure and function of the spleen, thymus and lymph nodes
Presentation Slides Web Animation Download
White Blood Cells
Tissues of the Immune Response
  1. Review the description of the Lympho Reticulare System
  2. Review the description of the Anatomy of the Immune System
  3. Examine the prepared slides of the thymus spleen and lymph node with the light microscope



Review the Structure and function of the thymus

Identify the following structures by microscopic examination of thin sections of the thymus: capsule, lobes, septal, cortex, medulla and Hassal's corpuscles

List the features that limit antigenic exposure in the thymus


Review the description of the Structure and Function of the spleen

Identify the following structures by microscopic examination of thin sectionin the spleen: capsule, trabeculae, splenic pulp, white pulp, red pulp, primary nodules, germinal centrs, arterioles, veins, sinusoids, PALS


Review the description of the Structure and Function of Lymph Nodes

Identify the following structures by microscopic examination of thin sectionin the lymph node: capsule, trabeculae, reticular fibres, medulla, cortex, primary nodules, germinal centre, medullary cords, thymus dependent region, thymic independent region



  1. Define the funtions of the lymphoreticular system
  2. Identify the organs of the intermal and external secretory system and the functions of each system
  3. List the function of the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and Bursa of Fabricus


Cells of the Immune Rsponse      



This exercise is worth 5 (five) % of your total mark. Grades will be posted on completion of the assignments


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