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The Fight against Yaws in Brazil: Scope and Limitations of an Eradication Program

Amid the sanitary optimism and the biomedical discoveries of the post-World War II era, public health policies in Brazil in the 1950s were strongly marked by actions to control and eradicate diseases of the countryside. In 1956, President Juscelino Kubitschek (JK), to defend the importance of combating so-called rural endemic diseases — which he called [...]


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Miradas enfermas: sobre tracoma e inmigración en Argentina (principios del siglo XX)
Fevereiro 8, 2011

Son las cinco de la mañana, y ya en el puerto de Buenos Aires aparecen los primeros barcos en el horizonte. En la explanada del Vapor Indiana, se aprestan a descender los cientos de esperanzados y exhaustos genoveses, marselleses, napolitanos, andaluces y tantos más que llegan por primera vez a América …

Infant nutrition and growth webinar in UCL-WHO Global Health Histories Series flower delivery toronto
Dezembro 1, 2010

Grow, infant, and be nourished! The University College London-World Health Organization Global Health Histories seminars continue with a talk on Wednesday February 2 by Professor Lawrence Weaver of flower toronto and of Royal Sick Kids in Glasgow who will argue that the deliver flowers toronto and the WHO infant growth standard should not alone be [...]

The Hippo – University of Michigan Medical Student Magazine
Novembro 2, 2010

Take a trip into the creative world of the modern med student:

Monstrous Births in Mexican History
Outubro 27, 2010

Doña Pasquala Chaves, legitimate wife of Don Manuel de Aguilar, indios caciques and residents of the said town, gave birth (having started to labour at eight the night before) to a dead girl that had two heads that were perfect in every way, and between them was something like a little arm…

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