Riham - Mentor

Name Riham
Year of Study 4th year
Highschool Attended Vincent Massey Secondary School
Average GPA 9-10
Current and Past Research Involvement
Currently, I am working on my thesis; I'm working in Dr. Scoboria's False Memory lab. I've started working in the lab assisting my lab mates in their own studies. Some unversity courses did require research to be conducted, so I've gained insight through Graduate students and professors on what it requires to conduct research.
Description of lab experience and duties
I've gained my experience in lab in Dr. Scoboria's lab. As described in the Research description above. I've assisted my lab mates in their work, so I was considered a lab assistant. Currently, I'm considered an undergraduate honours researcher, as I'm working on my undergraduate thesis
Reasons for being a mentor
Personally, I love to assist other students with their work whenever I am able to do so. I believe that every student will need help at a certain point in university. As well, I would like to share my experience with first year students so they can make the right decisions in order to have a successful university life. I've made few mistakes in my decisions, so I would like to let them avoid such mistakes. As well, there is a chance that I'm going to do Graduate Studies in Dubai, since my family is planning to move there. In Dubai, I would be allowed to teach psychology courses or TA some courses, so the mentorship program would make me gain experience in what they nature of my position will be.
Preferred method of communication
Meeting in person is perfectly fine; as well e-mail is a great resource to reach me.
Personal qualities desired for a protégé
I'm not fully clear on this section, but I will describe my personal qualities. I'm a hard worker, well-committed to my goals, potential, very well organized, excellent communication skills, excellent language skills ( Arabic and English-including speech, writing, and grammar). I love to gain knowledge whenever I have the chance to do so, so surprisingly, and unlike most students, I love studying!!! :)-Future Aspirations: I am planning to become a clinical psychologist, as well teach psychology courses in university
Extra Curricular Activities
I tutor students from elementary and highschool; as well as some university students on my spare time. As well, I've got the job in Family Respite Centre, and I will be working with children with disabilities.
General Interest
Generally, I'm interested in becoming a mentor as I believe, although it might be limited, I will gain experience in what it would be like to work with students from 1st university level. As well, I find it interesting to remember the old days in first year university, and gaining insight into the past makes me "structure" my future well enough to achieve my goals
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