Dominique - Mentor

Name Dominique
Year of Study 4th year
Highschool Attended Essex District Highschool
Average GPA Good Standing
Current and Past Research Involvement
I have been a volunteer research assistant for the last 2 years in various labs at the university. I am also in the process of doing my 420 project.
Description of lab experience and duties
I was first in a psychology lab scoring various types of tests and compiling data on the computer. I then became involved in a biology lab where I had to listen to, and analyze fish data. After analyzing the data I had to put it into graphical form. My current project involves playback and recording sound data from fish.
Reasons for being a mentor
I have a lot of university experience and I think I can really relate to those who are new to university. I struggled in my first year of university, but if I had known then what I know now it would have made things much easier; I would like to pass on the valuable knowledge I have accrued along the way.
Preferred method of communication
Personal qualities desired for a protgégé
Willingness to learn, determination
Extra Curricular Activities
I work 2 jobs and volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
General Interest

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