VIEW - Summer 2012 - page 28

view . summer 2012
Whether at a president’s alumni reception,
a reunion, golf tournaments or other alumni
activities, count on University President Dr.
Alan Wildeman to encourage UWindsor
alumni to “tell us your story”.
At each of the many events where he
has met with alumni in the past year (see
photos at right), the president has assigned
what he calls “homework” – to tell others
about why they are proud of their alma
mater. He has invited each alum to visit
to submit
a brief write-up that will appear on the
University’s website.
“The pride of UWindsor’s alumni,
students, faculty and staff strengthens
our reputation. Therefore, we invite you
to contribute to UWindsor’s growing
momentum by letting us know why you’re
proud of your university,” says
Dr. Wildeman in his messages.
As part of the University’s alumni
outreach initiative, the Pride for the
Lifetime Tour continues. President’s Alumni
Receptions have been held in Chatham,
Sarnia, Essex County, Windsor and London,
with a trip to Hamilton planned for October 3.
Engaging UWindsor alumni will
continue with special events planned for the
University’s 50th anniversary, says Susan
Lester, alumni director.
“We want to invite all UWindsor grads
to be part of the celebrations,” she says.
“You can help plan a reunion for your
class or group or simply come to campus
for the events that will be held, and enjoy
Watch for more information in
upcoming issues of
magazine, and
the Alumni eNews or contact the Office
of Alumni Affairs to find out how you can
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