VIEW - Summer 2012 - page 16

view . summer 2012
To make student life on campus more convenient,
University has launched a free app compatible with Apple,
Android and BlackBerry smartphones.
The app is primarily designed
to connect UWindsor students
with important course information,
messages and the latest campus news
and events but will allow the entire
UWindsor community to stay in touch.
Alumni will find the Daily News,
maps and directory functions
especially useful.
The MyUWindsor app provides
mobile access to all the University’s
Internet-based services and
information. The app is robust enough
to offer even more functionality,
including checking out the latest Lancer results and
listening to UWindsor’s CJAM radio station, 99.1 FM.
“It is a priority for the University of Windsor to
enhance the student experience with a
wide variety of convenient services,”
says Dr. Alan Wildeman, UWindsor
president. “Our IT and Public Affairs
and Communications departments
have been hard at work over the
past several months working on the
development and launch of this new
tool that gives access to many campus
services right in the palm of your
hand. It’s a powerful way of keeping
our students, staff, faculty, alumni and
visitors in touch with all the exciting
things happening at their university.”
The app can be downloaded at
“When I first came to the University of Windsor
in the summer of 1962 (then still known as
Assumption), I stayed in Cody Hall which I believe
was named after a local cleric when the Basilians
ran Assumption.”
So begins a letter from alumnus Bernard Callaghan MA ’73
which paints a picture of life in the former residence hall
which was torn down this summer, 50 years later. The
Board of Governors approved its demolition in June 2011
and preliminary work began last fall.
Callaghan noted that “the summer was very hot, but
to stay in shape, I always took the stairs to my single room
where I worked on my literary criticism course I took in
Essex Hall from a Professor Zuberi.”
The University retired the building as a residence in
2005 after it was determined that the cost to renovate it to
current standards would be prohibitive.
Its last occupants included the International Student
Centre, which moved to the second floor of Laurier Hall
after a $1.6-million renovation this past spring.
The building’s footprint will be converted to a
temporary parking lot while the new parking structure on
Wyandotte is being built. After that, it will be green space.
Cody Hall also holds interesting memories for Lavern
(Vern) and his wife Elizabeth (Beth) Pich.
“At the end of my third year of business and having
finished my term as president of the Student Council, we
were married in Assumption Church on May 19, 1962,”
recounts Vern. His appointment as night manager of the
University Centre included the apartment on the centre’s
top floor. “When we returned from our short honeymoon,
the previous tenant had not yet vacated, so we moved into
a vacant ‘prefects’ unit in Cody Hall.
“For the first two weeks of our marriage, we were the
only residents of Cody Hall.” The couple celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on May 19, 2012.
Cody Hall in a partially demolished state. Eventually, it
will become green space.
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