
Number of letters in word.
Number of phonemes in the word.
The orthographic frequency per million words of text. This was computed by summing the orthographic frequencies of all entries for the word form in our word-form dictionary. Thus, for example, the orthographic frequency of two entries with that orthographic: one for the noun and one for the verb.
The total number of entries in the dictionary that are exactly one letter different, by substitution only, from the target word. This measure collapses entries that appear more than once in the dictionary. For example, the orthographic neighbours of the word 'talk' includes only a single entry for 'walk', though there are two entries for the word in the dictionary: one for the noun, and one for the verb. See ALLON for a measure that includes multiple entries. The target word itself appears in the list: see NOSELFNODUPON for a measure that excludes the target word.
The average orthographic frequency per million words of all words in the NODUPON neighbourhood.
The total number of entries in the dictionary that are exactly one letter different, by substitution only, from the target word. This measure (known as Coltheart's N) collapses entries that appear more than once in the dictionary, and excludes the target word itself. For example, the orthographic neighbours of the word 'talk' includes only a single entry for 'walk', though there are two entries for the word in the dictionary: one for the noun, and one for the verb. See ALLON for a measure that includes multiple entries. See NODUPON for a measure that includes the target word.
The average orthographic frequency of all words in the NOSELFNODUPON neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPON neighbourhood that are of equal or higher orthographic frequency than the target word.
The average orthographic frequency per million words of all words in the HIGHERON neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPON neighbourhood that are of lower orthographic frequency than the target word.
The average orthographic frequency per million words of all words in the LOWERON neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPON neighbourhood that have an orthographic frequency above 200 occurrences per million words.
The average orthographic frequency per million words of all words in the SUPERHIGHON neighbourhood.
The phonological frequency per million words of spoken text. This was computed by summing the phonological frequencies of all entries for the word form in our word-form dictionary. Thus, for example, the phonological frequency of the word 'read' reflects the sum of the respective frequencies of two entries with that phonology: one for the color and one for the verb. Similarly, the phonological frequency of the word 'walk' reflects the sum of the respective phonological frequencies of the two entries with that phonology: one for the noun and one for the verb.
The total number of entries in the dictionary that are exactly one phoneme different, by substitution only, from the target word. Stress and syllabic structure is ignored. This measure collapses entries that appear more than once in the dictionary. For example, the phonological neighbours of the word 'talk' includes only a single entry for 'walk', though there are two entries for the word in the dictionary: one for the noun, and one for the verb. See ALLPN for a measure that includes multiple entries. The target word itself appears in this list: see NOSELFNODUPPN for a measure that excludes the target word.
The average phonological frequency per million words of all words in the NODUPPON neighbourhood.
The total number of entries in the dictionary that are exactly one phoneme different, by substitution only, from the target word. This measure (the phonological equivalent of Coltheart's N) collapses entries that appear more than once in the dictionary, and excludes the target word itself. For example, the phonological neighbours of the word 'talk' includes only a single entry for 'walk', though there are two entries for the word in the dictionary: one for the noun and one for the verb. See ALLPN for a measure that includes multiple entries. See NODUPPN for a measure that includes the target word.
The average phonological frequency of all words in the NOSELFNODUPPN neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPPN neighbourhood that are of equal or higher phonological frequency than the target word.
The average frequency per million spoken words of all words in the HIGHERPN neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPPN neighbourhood that are of lower phonological frequency than the target word.
The average frequency per million spoken words of all words in the LOWERPN neighbourhood.
This measure counts the number of words in the NOSELFNODUPPN neighbourhood that have a phonological frequency above 200 occurrences per million words.
The average frequency per million spoken words of all words in the SUPERHIGHPN neighbourhood.
Controlled bigram sum is a count of the number of words in the dictionary that are of the same length as the target word, and that contain and overlapping bigram in the same position as the target word. For example, CAN is a controlled bigram neighbour of CAT because it is of the same length and contains CA in the same position as CAT. Words of the same length that have overlapping bigrams with the target word in more than one position are counted once for each overlapping bigram.
This is the average orthographic frequency per million words of the words in the CONBG-SUM neighbourhood of the target.
This is the product of CONBG-SUM by CONBG-NFREQ. It is thus a frequency corrected CONBG-SUM measure, which tells how often one would read words in the controlled bigram neighbourhood of the target word if one read one million words of text.
This is the number of words in the CONBG-SUM neighbourhood that overlap with the least common bigram in the target word. This, it counts the number of words the same length as the target word that contain that target word's least common bigram in the same position as it appears in the target word.
The average orthographic frequency per million words of all words in the MINCONBG neighbourhood.
This is the product of MINCONBG-SUM by MINCONBG-NFREQ. It is thus a frequency-corrected MINCONBG-SUM measure, which tells how often one would read words in the length- and place-controlled minimal bigram neighbourhood of the target word if one read one million words of text.
This is the location of the least-common length- and place-controlled bigram in the target word. The count begins from 0, i.e., the first bigram in the word is bigram 0.