Project Goals and Objectives: Construct three street-end parks and enhance fish habitat to improve fishing opportunities
Project Description: The City of Trenton developed a Master Plan that built upon the existing Trenton park system to help promote greater use of the river by increasing public access. In addition, this Master Plan addresses shoreline stabilization and habitat rehabilitation along the Detroit River. The primary focus was to link existing parks, including Meyer-Ellias, Rotary, and Elizabeth Parks, with the new "pocket parks" created on City property at street ends along the Detroit River. Connections were established among the existing parks, the new parks, and downtown in an effort to further economic development and enhance community pride.
This linked greenway extends from Meyer-Ellias Park (located on Helen Street) south to Elizabeth Park. It follows the river wherever possible and passes the former Riverside Osteopathic Hospital, Trenton Towers (an apartment building), and numerous private homes. The street-end parks are a focal point from West Jefferson Avenue, bringing more people to the waterfront. The shoreline at each of the three street-end parks was stabilized using soft engineering techniques. In addition, underwater aquatic habitat was created for fish and to improve fishing opportunities at these three street-end parks.
Cost: $816,000
Timeframe: 2001-2002
Partners: City of Trenton, Clean Michigan Initiative, Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, and Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program
Ecological Effectiveness: Pre-construction monitoring was performed by U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center; however, no post-project monitoring of ecological effectiveness has been performed to date.
Restoration Contact: City of Trenton