Project Goals and Objectives: Stabilize eroded streambanks and improve fish and wildlife habitat
Project description: Ten severely eroded sections of streambank along 70 meters of shoreline was stabilized using soft engineering techniques and eleven hectares of fish and wildlife habitat was restored. Streambank stabilization was successfully completed at ten sites on the Middle Rouge River. These ten locations were determined to the highest priority sites by Wayne County Parks and Department of Environment. The completion of streambank stabilization at these sites provides a number of benefits including increased habitat, reduced pollutants, increased aesthetics, and increased recreational desirability
Cost: Total for all ten sites: $780,530; average per site- $78,000
Timeframe: 2003-2004
Partners: Wayne County Department of Environment and Department of Public Services Parks Division
Ecological Effectiveness: Streambank stabilization was successfully completed at ten sites on the Middle Rouge River, providing a number of benefits including increased habitat, reduced pollutants, increased aesthetics, and increased recreational desirability. Benthic monitoring data was collected by volunteers with Friends of the Rouge in spring and fall 2007 and fall 2008. The benthic data collected shows fair to good water quality in most areas that were restored and poor water quality in 2 areas.
Restoration Contact: Wayne County Department of Environment