1997 Propane Vehicle Challenge


                 In the 1997 Propane Vehicle Challenge vehicles both Minivans and Dodge Dakota pick-up trucks were donated for the competition and were converted from gasoline to propane fuel operation. The vehicles underwent emissions testing, cold- and hot-start testing, design evaluation, and dynamic events including range and fuel economy tests, a quarter-mile acceleration test, and a vehicle handling evaluation. The University of Windsor and St. Clair College combined to convert a Dodge Dakota pick-up truck for liquid-propane port-injected operation.

The competition started at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas where emissions tests were conducted The vehicles were then tested for cold-start and hot-start. After design judging and the opening ceremonies at Sea World of Texas, teams and organizers traveled to College Station, Texas in a caravan, to compete in events at the Texas World Speedway. Vehicles were tested for range and fuel economy, as well as quarter-mile acceleration. The event finished at the University of Texas at Austin with an awards ceremony. The Windsor team came in 4th place overall in spite of the fact of a head gasket failure during the quarter mile event. The students replaced the head gasket on the site with the help of a donated part from Texas A&M university. More information is given in an article that was published in the University of Windsor Ambassador in 1997 and given below.