
The FDRI was organized and approved by the University of Windsor, in November 1983 in recognition of the inter-departmental and inter-faculty interests in the field of fluid dynamics.  The Institute has the objective of providing a broader training for graduate students working in theoretical, experimental, and computational fluid dynamics than can be provided by any one department. In the early years, the FDRI activities included hosting seminars, discussion groups and international conferences. Several industrial research contracts as well as Ontario Centres of Excellence, MITACS and NSERC Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Grants have been held by Institute members. In general, the Institute promoted close cooperation among faculty members with interests in fluid dynamics.

Activities of the Institute experienced a period of decline due to retirements and limitations on the hiring of new faculty members. The Institute, however, survived and continued to hold a small number of meetings, seminars, and other activities each year. Recently, the Faculty of Engineering hired several new tenure-track faculty members with expertise in fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics which are areas of interest to the Institute.

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