2008 - First AnnouncementInternational Conference onOrganized by G.W.F.
Drake, University of Windsor,
Canada, and Savely E. Karshenboim, Max-Planck-Institut für
Quantenoptik, Germany, and D.I.
Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, Russia.
The workshop is one of a series of meetings, following PSAS 2000 (Florence - Castiglione della Pescaia), PSAS 2002 (St. Petersburg - Pushkin), PSAS 2004 (Rio de Janeiro - Mangaratiba) and PSAS 2006 (Venice - San Servolo). The conference is devoted to precision studies of atoms and simple molecules in order to develop new tools and techniques to perform measurements beyond standard atomic physics, and perhaps see new physics. Potential applications include issues from particle and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics, metrology, etc. Conference topics include:
The conference will take place in Windsor at the University of Windsor, located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. There are comfortable and inexpensive accommodations available in student residences on campus, or you can book at major hotels nearby. The number of conference participants is estimated to be around 100. We will greatly appreciate receiving the following information:
Please send the information by December 20, 2007 to: