The Retirees' Newsletter
The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Vol X I, No. 1, March 2001

Membership News

email access to Ms Helen Moore, since she is an Associate
Member of WURA.

b) Letter from Canada Trust Bank requesting Executive
resolution and Minutes to change name to WURA - At the
request of Phyllis Nolan, Treasurer and the Secretary Datta Pillay,
the following motion was adopted:

Moved by Kumar Chatterjee and Seconded by Jerry
Malone that the name of the Faculty, Librarian and
Administrator Retirees' Association be changed to
Windsor University Retirees' Association ( WURA) -
Carried unanimously.

5. Results of Bursary Fund Awards - Wilf Innerd, Chair,
Bursary Fund Committee collated the results of individual
rankings of the applicants, by all Executive members. He reported
the three names of the Bursary award winners ( Xun Lou, Dana
Lezau and Jing Lei ), which he forwarded to the Awards Office.
He said that one student had already sent him a letter of thanks.
He had several concerns regarding the a) eligibility, b) criteria and
c) Application Form.

a) Eligibility -It was felt that we should make it clear in the
calendar listing, if these bursaries are exclusively for
undergraduates or if it includes also graduate students. This is the
first time that a graduate applied, which caused some confusion.
After some discussion, it was decided to restrict to
undergraduates only, since graduate students have access to a
number of other financial resources. The committee felt that this
matter be raised at the Spring General Meeting to seek the input
of the general membership.

b) Criteria - Wilf Innerd also suggested that we should develop
some criteria. Whether the award should be based on financial
need, grade point average, personal considerations or other
special circumstances. It was agree, that there should be some
weighting for all these criteria. He was asked to bring a draft for
consideration at the next meeting.

c) Application Form - The present form is very confusing and
needs to be simple, clear and user- friendly. Again, the Chair of
the committee was asked to design a new form in consultation
with the awards office.

6. Reports of D7 and Contract Committee - Stan Cunningham
stated that the draft report of the D7 committee is attached with
the agenda material. The D7 Committee has a scheduled
meeting on Friday, February 9, 2001 at 9.15 am. He wished to get
clarifications on page 3 - the costing of indexing the pension; if it
includes all the retirees or just the active faculty. The Health plan
suggestions also needed some clarification from Jim Skinner.
Datta Pillay suggested that we should invite Diane Russett of
Green Shield for the Spring General Meeting to review the report.

Contract Committee(CC) - Alan Metcalfe reported the Retirees
request to extend all health benefits currently enjoyed by active
faculty to all retirees was rejected by CC. Alan was requested to
raise this issue again at the next CC meeting on February 13,
2001. John Meyer's report as a retiree representative on the
WUFA Executive was reviewed and his comment on the WUFA
emphasis on salary increases was noted. The WUFA General
membership meeting to consider contract proposals is set for
February 15, 2001 at 4.00 pm in Winclair Hall. All Executive
members were urged to attend.

7. Treasurer's Report - Phyllis Nolan (not in attendance)
conveyed through the President and the Secretary that 145
members have paid their dues so far. Present bank balance is $

8. Revised Health Benefits Plan - Deferred

9. Other Business- None

Date of Next Meeting of the Executive Committee - March 8,
2001 at 2.00 p.m. in Room 225 Biology Bldg.

The meeting adjourned at 2.55 p.m. Motion by Fracas/ Chatterjee

Nancy Soderlund
Request for Volunteers

WANTED: VOLUNTEERS. Spend quality retirement time
with great people and needy animals. Jazzpurr Society
offers a wide range of interesting and challenging activities
for the right people. In addition to appreciating the unique
and enduring qualities of cats, skills that are needed include
computer, public relations, shelter work, and advocacy. If
interested, please call:
Nanci Soderlund, 734-6532. E-mail address is

Address Changes of Members

Akira Kobasigawa has moved to Toronto - his new
address is 2, Covington Road, Unit 401, Toronto, ON M6A

Geza Szamosi after spending many years in Montreal has
now settled in Toronto. His address is Apt 705, 280 Simcoe,
Toronto, ON M5T 2Y5

Membership Dues for 2000-2001

WURA has close to 200 members in the Association, which
constitutes a significant growth of the organization in the past few
We still need the membership dues from about 45 members,
who have not paid so far. This is request to forward your
dues. Thank you.

To Page Seven