The Retirees' Newsletter
The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada
Vol X I, No. 1, March 2001

Association News

Faculty Association
Collective Agreement Proposals
For 2001-2004

The following articles pertaining to the University Retirement
Plan for Faculty and certain others was approved at a
Special Meeting of the Faculty Association membership on
Thursday, February 15, 2001.

Article D - The University Retirement Plan for Faculty
and certain others

D. 2 The Chairman of the Retirement Committee
constituted in accordance with clause 15.01 of the
said Plan shall call meetings of the Retirement
Committee on at least a quarterly basis.
D.15 The parties agree that, on an annual basis, the
administration shall take a random sample of
twenty records of the pension plan history for active
members to determine the accuracy of the
statements, for example, but not limited to,
inclusion of university contributions to the money
purchase fund.
D.16. Effective July 1, 2001, all improvements to the
University Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain
Others shall be applicable to all current and future
members of the Plan.
D.17 At the option of the member, provision for
secondary beneficiaries shall be included for
pension and life insurance purposes.
D.18 The parties agree that, as a public institution, the
administration is not obliged to pay goods and
services tax on the administrative costs of the
University Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain
D.19 The parties agree that the $ 1,509,609 of the
excess funding established as a contingency
reserve in the Minimum Guarantee Fund and held
in escrow shall be used to offset costs of improving
benefits for retired members under clause F.3.
D.20 The parties agree to amend Section 7.03 of the
Minimum Guaranteed benefit as follows:
The annual amount of the Minimum Guaranteed
Benefit is equal to:
a) 1.60% of the Member's Best Average
Earnings not in excess of the Average
Canada Pension Plan Base; plus
b) as is
D.21 The parties agree to amend Section 6.01 (1) of the
Pension Plan for academic staff to read as follows:

The Normal Retirement Date for a Member who is
either a member of the teaching staff, ancillary
academic staff, librarian or sessional lecturer, if
hired on a July 1st basis, shall be the last day of the
contract year(June 30th) in which the Member
attains age 65, and if hired on a September 1st
basis, shall be the last day of the contract
year(August 31st) in which the Member attains age
Article F - Health Insurance Plans/Employee
Assistant Programme

F.3 (b) Effective July 1, 2001, the University shall on behalf
of all full-time retired members one-half («) of the
Subscriber Rate for:
(i) The Green Shield Dental Plan 35(including
$ 3,000 additional cost) at current O.D.A.
(ii) Green Shield Vision Plan
(iii) massage therapy to a maximum of $
600.00 per calendar year;
(iv) speech therapist or speech pathologist to
a maximum of $ 400.00 per calendar year;
(v) 75% of the scheduled fee to clinical
psychologist for ten visits;
(vi) in home nursing to a maximum of $

D7 Committee
Draft Report Completed

Article "D" subsection "7" of the collective agreement
between the Faculty Association and the Board of
Governors of the University of Windsor requires the
University to undertake to establish a Retired Members
Pension Committee whose mandate would be to examine
the adequacy of the retirement benefits provided by the
University to former faculty members and Librarians who
retired under the University of Windsor Retirement Plan for
Faculty and Certain Others. Retirement benefits are defined
as pension entitlement provided by the retirement plan and
also include post retirement health care benefits provided
by the University. Upon completion of the examination the
committee shall produce a report, including
recommendations, to the Association and the Board of

The Retired Members Pension Committee was
composed of equal representation from the University and
the Faculty Association. Representing the Faculty
Association were Dr. Gerald Romsa and Dr. Adrian Van
Den Hoven. Dr. Stanley Cunningham and Dr. Alan Metcalfe
represented the University of Windsor Retirees Association.
Representatives of the University were Mr. Jim Butler,

To Page Five