The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X1 , No. 2, June 2001


The Association

The Retirees' Association (Faculty,Librarian, Administrator -WURA) at Windsor was formed in 1990, to give a unified voice to retirees; to provide a bridge for communication with the University; to encourage social contact among the retirees; and to open a few doors through which retirees could continue to contribute to the University of Windsor.

Thus the Association is meant to fill what could otherwise be a void in the lives of retirees - possible isolation from the University and from their former colleagues; and possible lack of understanding of vital pension and health issues that affect them directly.

There are only two meetings of the full membership per year: in the spring and the fall. An informal social committee arranges several other events per year - dinners, plays, picnics, and so on -all of which are paid for by those who take part. The Association encourages smaller special interest groups to form as occasion and their interests warrant. Because of extreme economy of operation, dues have been kept at the level of $20 per year. This includes four issues of The Retirees' Newsletter .

Officers of the Association are:

President: Stan Cunningham

Secretary: Datta Pillay

Treasurer& Membership : Phyllis Nolan

Elected Members of the Executive

Committee: Don Briggs; Gino Fracas;

Jerry Malone and Alan Metcalfe

Ex Officio Members:

Immediate Past President: Kumar Chatterjee

Founding President: Norm Shklov

Committee Chairs:

Social Committee: Vacant

Bursary Fund Committee: Wilf Innerd

Pension & Benefits: John Meyer

WEB Master: Robert Chandler

The Association's Address is:

Faculty, Librarian, Administrator Retirees' Association (WURA)

University of Windsor Post Office,

Windsor, ON. N9B 3P4


Home Page:

Newsletter online:

Reminder - Newsletter - Four Issues A Year

The Retirees' Newsletter is being published four times a year in March, June, September and December. This is the second issue for June and two more issues for September and December will be published this year.

Contract Negotiations Have Commenced

The team representing the Faculty Association is composed of Brian E. Brown, Visual Arts (Co-Chair); Gerry McPhail, Math. & Stats. (Co-Chair); Jeff Berryman, Law; Donald Leslie, Social Work; Cathy Maskell, Leddy Library; Jang Singh, Business Administration; Adrian van den Hoven, French and Nancy Sennema and Debbie Noble will be assisting the team. The team representing the Board of Governors is composed of Gwen Ebbett, Chief Librarian (Co-Chair); Neil Gold, Vice-President, Academic (Co-Chair); Jim Butler, Director of Human Resources; Rick Caron, Dean of Science and Charles James, Secretary and General Counsel. Kerry Eagen will be assisting the administration's team.

First meeting with the administration was held on May 8th . At the first meeting, the teams exchanged proposals; however the administration's monetary package will not be available until later this month, after the Provincial budget has been clarified. A copy of the administration's proposals is available in the Faculty Association office for perusal by members of the bargaining unit. Both the administration and the Association have agreed to use their best efforts to reach a satisfactory conclusion to this round of bargaining by the expiration of the current Collective Agreement, June 30 th.

D7 Committee Report:

The Joint Committee of University Representatives, WUFA representatives including Retirees' representatives worked very hard for a year to finally produce a First report from this committee, as per the clause D7 in the Collective Agreement. The report, appears to have been received by both parties, but no action has been taken, nor any of the suggested recommendations in the report, form part of the current negotiations. WURA needs to take some further action for us to be heard.

Health Benefit Costs:

Again the costs have increased by another 12% as of May 1, 2001

Membership Drive and $ 20 Dues: This plea is on behalf of our Treasurer to gently remind those who have not paid the dues for 2000-2001( about 25 members) to please send your cheques. Datta Pillay

Table of Contents (all issues in this volume)
Main index