The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X, No. 3, June 2000

Editorial Page

The Association

The Retirees' Association (Faculty, Librarian, Administrator) at Windsor was formed in 1990, to give a unified voice to retirees; to provide a bridge for communication with the University; to encourage social contact among the retirees; and to open a few doors through which retirees could continue to contribute to the University of Windsor.

Thus the Association is meant to fill what could otherwise be a void in the lives of retirees - possible isolation from the University and from their former colleagues; and possible lack of understanding of vital pension and health issues that affect them directly.

There are only two meetings of the full membership per year: in the spring and the fall. An informal social committee arranges several other events per year - dinners, plays, picnics, and so on -all of which are paid for by those who take part. The Association encourages smaller special interest groups to form as occasion and their interests warrant. Dues are $20 per year. This includes five issues of The Retirees' Newsletter .

Officers of the Association are:

President: Stanley Cunningham
Secretary: Datta Pillay
Treasurer & Membership: Phyllis Nolan
Elected Members of the Executive
Committee:Bob Chandler; Joseph Habowsky, Alan Metcalfe and Idalia Rappe

Ex Officio Members:
Immediate Past President: Kumar Chatterjee
Founding President: Norm Shklov

Committee Chairs:
Social Committee: Vacant
Bursary Fund Committee: Vacant
Pension & Benefits: John Meyer

The Association's Address is:

Windsor University Retirees' Association,
University of Windsor Post Office,
Windsor, ON. N9B 3P4


Home Page:

Newsletter online:

Health Benefits Coverage

On pages 6 and 7 of this newsletter (click on the number to return to that page), information is provided on various health plans and their costs.

1. Univ of Windsor Plan thru Green Shield

2. Retired Teachers of Ontario Plan

3. Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation

In the April 2000 newsletter and at the WURA Spring General Meeting, modification to Green Shield plan was dis cussed and the proposed benefits costed out based on certain co-pay and a $ 100 deductible, plus eliminating certain benefits. However, in keeping with the sentiments expressed at the General meeting, the Green Shield plan has been revised, but the savings previously generated in monthly payments have declined.

The Committee is working very hard in consultation with Human Resources at the University of Windsor and the staff at Green Shield. The objective is to come up with a satisfactory plan without sacrificing the benefits, but at the same time make every effort to substantially reduce the monthly payments.

Members have noted that in just two years ( 1999 & 2000 ) the monthly costs have increased by 28% in 1999 and another 10% in 2000 for a total of 38%. It is predicted that these monthly costs may escalate at the rate of 10% each year in future. Hence, the Committee is looking at various options. Although, we have 290 faculty, librarian and administrator retirees, only 132 members have subscribed to the Green Shield plan (12 members for option one with full drug coverage and 120 members in option three without drug coverage),which is about 45 % of the eligible members. It is possible, the rest are either covered through their spouses plans or perhaps have some other coverage.

The Committee, has seriously looked at the Retired Teachers of Ontario and OSSTF health plans. It should be pointed out that members of WURA are eligible to join either one of the these two groups for significant savings in monthly premium rates. However, the coverage under both these plans is not as luxurious as it is in the University plan administered by Green Shield.

WURA members and non-members are urged to review the above three plans carefully and complete the attached questionnaire/survey, to provide some guidance to the Pension and Health Benefits Committee to proceed in a fashion, that can achieve a substantial saving in monthly premium rates. Further, it would be in our interest if more members could participate in some health plan.

Datta Pillay

Table of Contents (all issues in this volume)
Main index